7. A Troubled Outing

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Sea Lagoon Beach Resort 10: 00 AM

Nandini's Room :


Opening the door of Nandini's room with the key which I skillfully purloined from her right pocket, I entered in. Finding the camera about which that girl Mukti had mentioned; I started having a look at the goon-inviting-pictures one by one, though they were none of my concern. That stupid girl would be in bigger trouble if anyone else knew that she clicked 'its' pictures. No one was supposed to know about 'it'.

All my doubts seemed to come true the moment I saw a picture of those goons beating the On-duty-officer at the port. I had seen the tattoo of 'Three stars' on their neck so, I already had an idea about their intentions. They shouldn't have done that. They will face my wrath for their nugatory efforts to maraud at the port.

Deleting all those photos from the camera; I kept it back at the same place. After locking Nandini's room, I pushed my feet to the food court in order to keep the keys at their original place.

As I returned to the food court, I saw the group was busy discussing something. Nandini's innocent chuckles hit my ears and I wondered if I'll ever be able to laugh that way.

I sighed realizing pretentious laughs had got my back for quite a long time. Reminiscing the older carefree laughs had been paradoxical since the ghost of darkness engulfed the present. My present. His present. Life never gave the chance. Maybe I didn't choose them or maybe it was my ultimate fate. After whatever happened with Cabir; even the slightest part of 'Living The Life' left me. And then there was Nandini, she knew the world was cruel yet her soul kept shining with its inner light. Or maybe she didn't know, what people had to pay for an exuberantly patriotic behavior.

"Manik, you want to come?", Navya's question brought me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry?", I gave her a quizzical look as I had no idea what she was asking about.

"I'm asking if you want to tag us along for sightseeing 'Neelakurinji'. Or do you want Nandini to request you the same?", she gave a teasing look to Nandini.

"No. I mean yeah sure. I will come.", I stuttered at way Nandini scowled looking at both me and Navya.

Maybe it was my last chance to spend some more time with Nandini.

Munnar 2 : 00 PM


We were at some part of Nilgiri hills. It was just a distance of 2 hours from our resort. Navya wanted to see the 'Neelakurinji' flowers as they bloom once in twelve years, so she dragged all of us. Manik accompanied me all the time. He was an interesting company but his ideas and ideologies never seemed to match with that of mine.

"Isn't this beautiful?", I said being mesmerized by the purple-blue blanket of 'Neelakurinji' inflorescence all over the hill.

"Yeah. It is.", he nodded.

"See Manik, How prodigiously fruitful waiting can be! We should wait if we can.", I started playing the game of words once again.

"But life can not.", his reply was a bit curt.

"What did you say?", I asked being confused at his tone.

"Yes. Life doesn't wait for anyone, Nandini. It goes on.", he explained further.

"They wait for their love for twelve years! Can't we call this waiting for their love as 'life'?", I said as if trying to convince him.

"Yes. When you wait there is 'Life'. But there is no 'Living'. I don't think there can be a punishment greater than letting someone know, feel everything about love, and then to take that away leaving them craving for their love.", he elaborated while I narrowed my eyes.

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