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" Please sir give me a chance. I can solve this case just the way I have solved the last seven cases in this first month of my service. Although I have only been allotted some minor cases so far; I really want to be a part of this case .", I requested Superintendent of Police Mr. Tyagi sir.

"You know Nandini I can't do this. It has been just one month since you joined the Police force as a DSP. I don't know how you came to know about the case but it's not for you. The case involves quite a lot of confidential information and this is not a normal case, it's not only under our Police station, it's not even just under Karnataka Police; other state Police forces are also involved. ", said Mr. Tyagi stating the fact in a bit strict tone.

"I understand sir, but I'm a gold medalist as well as the best probationer of the batch from National Police Academy, Hyderabad. Perhaps I have been involved in this case informally since the very start.", I said trying to convince my senior who offered no help to my growing concerns in this whole month about the case I had to let go off in Goa as I was bound by my service but today when it has been reported that the same gang was seen on the Mangalore Port last night I cannot just sit back and watch.

"What do you mean by the informal involvement ?", asked Mr. Tyagi being suspicious of my intentions as well as my statement.

"Sir I had an encounter with the goons of this gang when I was in Goa last month. Sir just give me 24 hours, I'll put them behind the bars, I promise." , I told Sir as I thought this to be the right sort of information to be disclosed.

"Alright then, but if you fail to stick by your words then you lose the chance to ask for any other case or your further involvement in this case also. ", Mr. Tyagi said as if giving me an ultimatum.

"Sure sir ." , I replied confidently and left the police station.

The plan was already set. I had most of the information about the gang which no one else knew so far except me and Abhi.

That night Manik brought me back to the resort and he disappeared. I know this because Abhi told me that he saw Manik carrying me to my room but there was no interaction between Manik and him that night. When I came back to my conscious state two days had already passed and I was left with no other option than leaving for Mangalore to join my Duty.

Despite things being really out of my reach one thing was in my support, Abhi. He was posted as a DSP in Goa. He knew about the whole situation. Although he was not ready to accept the fact that Manik was a criminal and on top of that I saw Mr. Singh at an utterly destructed place pointing a gun on my head was impossible for him to believe. Many times he said that what if it was all my imagination due to my drug-induced unconscious state. Sometimes I also wondered whether it was all real or just a part of my imagination but my mind always said it can't be. It can't be my imagination because Stefan was real, the fight was real, the bruises were real, goons with the tattoo were real, far beyond all that the pain I felt was real.

After three weeks, I got a call from Abhi and he told me that he saw Manik while he was following some goons. He heard them talking something about Mangalore Port. He raised the doubt whether Manik was coming to Mangalore and I got alert. I kept a watch on the place for some days and yesterday I saw a goon gang. If the gang was here I'm sure Manik and Mr. Singh will be in Mangalore anytime soon. It was also possible that they might be in the city already and this time I will catch them.




Yes, my doubts proved to be correct. He was there in front of my eyes. Manik. Suddenly I found it difficult to understand if I was happy to see him or I was happy that finally, I'm about to solve this case. It felt strange to see him after a month. He looked the same as if nothing happened. Except for about a week-long stubble, there wasn't any change in Manik Malhotra.

Just that today there were no goons on the port. Thinking of it as a golden opportunity to catch him I moved ahead and said, "Surrender yourself, Manik Malhotra. We have orders to put you behind the bars. "

Ordering my force to take him to the police station I got into the jeep.


I know this is short but It's just to see is there even a little of response the story now?

I know it has been a long gap.

But I don't like leaving stories incomplete.

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