Part 6 - Schedules

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He pulls on my bra straps from behind while he has me on all four, facing the mirror, and watching my pleasure while he hits me slow but hard. With all these mirrors in this dance studio, he can watch me at almost all angles. Which I can tell it turns him on even more! I couldn't help it! When he said he loves me, I gave him the most sensual kiss right before asking, "How much do you love me?" A few minutes later, I was naked and on all fours except for my bra!  Then I hear the door open! "OH MY GOD! HOBI!" When I turn to see who opened the door, it was Jungkook! "Keep watch for me will ya?!" Hobi asked. Jungkook just waved his hands like he wanted nothing to do with us or what's happening as he left the room. I laughed and then he asked, "Do you see what you do to me?" I laughed. He continued to pleasure me until I screamed from ecstasy and then he allowed himself to finish. He gets up and and helps me up. "I feel like I've run for hours." I said. He laughed. We both got dressed. I wiped the floor and excused myself to the bathroom. When I got back, I found Namjoon and Hobi off in a corner talking. I walk in halfway before the door slams behind me and everyone turns to look at me. I blushed and then Hobi waved at me to come to him. So I head towards them and the boys are just smiling at me. Which means that they know. This is embarrassing. As I get closer to Hobi, Namjoon walks away and heads towards the boys. "Are we in trouble?" I ask. "No." He said while laughing. "He just baby's JK too much but I understand why he was upset." He said. "Does this mean no more sudden sex?" I ask. He laughs.  "Not at all! All this means is we have to be more careful. Plus, you owe me something...." He said. "I do?" I ask. He smiles before saying, "Not that! At least not yet!" He laughs. I smack him. Then I get what he means. "I love you too" I said. He kisses me and then sits me down on a chair by the table that was against the wall. He then goes to the stereo at the other end of the room and plays their latest song. They begin to practice.

I'm watching him and I can see how he is so good at educating the members

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I'm watching him and I can see how he is so good at educating the members. Makes me realize what a good father he will be one day. I give the boys water when they ask, give them fresh towels, and on occasion Hobi comes to collect a kiss or two. After a few hours of practice, I fall asleep, and I don't realize it. I haven't been sleeping well with all of this traveling that we have been doing. It really is starting to get to me. When I wake up, I'm in my bed in my room, and Hobi is next to me sleeping. I'm still sleepy so I cuddle him and go back to sleep. The next morning, I wake up alone and with a text message waiting for me from him.

I wonder why he changed my plans today? Did he get in trouble for yesterday? I need to know and I'm not gonna sit by, waiting on him to make time for me

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I wonder why he changed my plans today? Did he get in trouble for yesterday? I need to know and I'm not gonna sit by, waiting on him to make time for me. I get ready, grab my purse, and head to the dance studio. When I arrive, security said I wasn't invited today, and I said "Hobi better get his ass out here to explain to me why I am not on the invited list then!" The security guard was shocked and let me through. Jungkook heard me and was the first out of the room. "Baps, what are you doing here?" JK asked. "What do you mean? I'm Hoseoks girlfriend! I wanted to come see him. Is that not allowed?" I said loudly. Knowing he would hear me. Door opens and it's Hobi and Namjoon. "Baps, did you not get your schedule? I reminded you this morning." Hobi said. All three of them were standing in the way of the door. Which tells me that there is someone there they don't want me to see. I take a step forward and they put their hands up. I look at Hobi and see he is nervous. "You have two seconds to explain what's going on! Who is in there that you don't want me to see?" I said loudly. "Baps, please! It's not like that. It's a collab that you cannot know about. Please just trust me." Hobi begged. I give them a stern look before I turn around and start to leave. I then turn slightly and say, "Hobi, I think it's best you and I talk tonight." Then I turn back and walk away.

Later on that night, I hear the door open

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Later on that night, I hear the door open. It's dark in my room. I'm sitting in bed. I reach over and turn the light on before yelling, "What kind of shit was that?!" Which ends up scaring him because he thought I was asleep. "Baps! Don't scare me like that." He said while holding on to his chest. I maintain my stare. "Okay, okay. We had an artist in the studio who happened to call us last night and wanted to squeeze in a dance lesson for a song were doing with her." He said as he sat at the edge and corner of my bed. "Her?! Who is her?" I ask loudly.  "Baps! Shhhhh! The boys are sleeping." He whispered.  "I don't care one bit right now! Who is she! Tell me or I will get louder." I demanded. We must of argued for what seemed like hours. Once we got to the truth and he now understands to be honest with me at all times. No matter what! We made love and went to sleep. The next morning is his day off. I am working so I let him sleep while I took calls in his room. Once I got his text that he was hungry, I took a break and went back to my room. I found him tieying sheets to the headboard posts. I put down my phone and laptop on the dresser. I look at him and he's already naked and hard. "So when you said you was hungry....this is what you meant, huh?" I ask. He smiled and said, "You embarrassed me yesterday. You knew this would happen." I shook my head in agreement and began to take my clothes off. He turned on some hip hop playlist, pumped it loud through my Bluetooth speaker, and he grabbed me. He carried me to the bed and tied my arms. He then took a tie, covered my eyes with it and tied it. He kissed me while moving himself in between my legs and said, "Do not beg because I will not stop! Do not scream unless you want pain! Do not finish before me or I will make you wait for months before I enter you again!"

To be continued...

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