Part 8 - The Unexpected

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I began my counseling position and at first it felt like all I did was follow the boys around from concerts to interviews. But then soon I gained the trust of the staff and I began to actually counsel staff members with loss, grief, and even marriage/relationship issues. Days turned into months so quickly. Hobi and I settled into a good schedule, always together, and nights of bliss. There were moments were I felt that I have reached all of the information about myself that I could possibly tell him but then I would stumble upon other memories that I haven't shared. He has done the same with me. This past year and six months have flown by so quickly that I didn't even notice them!

We're finally back in Seoul for our four week summer break to meet with his side of the family

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We're finally back in Seoul for our four week summer break to meet with his side of the family. We stop by his place first so we can recharge before attending a family party we were invited to. I moved in but it still feels like his place. I jump in the shower first and then he followed shortly after. "Are you still mad at me?" He asks. I don't answer. I continue to wash myself. "Baps, you know how I get with other men who gain your attention. I just can't stand it." He says. I still don't aknowledge him or respond. He tries to touch me but I pull away. I am done rinsing off so I get out and turn the water off. "I still need the water." He says frustrated. I grab my towel and leave the bathroom. After drying off and getting dressed, I head to the kitchen. I start to put the groceries we bought away. After a few minutes I hear the water stop. A few more minutes later I hear his footsteps heading my way. He walks in the kitchen and says, "Stop. I said I was gonna put them away." I don't respond. He walks over and hugs me from behind. He then softly says, "I'm sorry." I stay still for a moment. Letting him hug me but then my anger boils over. I push him back and I turn towards him. I feel tears in my eyes and I say, "Let this be the last time you embarrass me like that in front of my parents!" I then walk away. He follows me to our room. "Baps.." I grab my bag and begin to unpack but my emotions get the best of me and I begin to cry while putting away a few tops in my drawers. He grabs me and hugs me before saying, "I know. I am not used to your culture yet. I didn't know he was your cousin." I tried to pull away but he held on tighter before continuing, "Not to excuse myself. I'm just explaining. I know I am 100% at fault and I am so sorry." I feel my body is still tense. "Baps, what do I have to do to make this right?" He asks. I turn around and he loosens his grip on me. He now sees my face covered in tears and I see his face full of shame. He looks away. "I never want you to exercise your possessive insecurities in America. I understand it's acceptable here but not in America! I need your word Hobi!" I said in a demanding tone. He still would not look at me but he would not let me go. "I promise. I give you my word." He said. I then pushed him away and he looked at me confused. "I need some time to myself. I was really hurt. I mean who the hell squares up with your girls cousin?! I'm just so mad and embarrassed! Hobi....I think it's best you go finish unpacking our groceries. I need space." I said and then turned back to my luggage that I set down on our bed. He left the room without saying a word. After an hour I smell something familiar. I head towards the kitchen. I see Hobi wearing an apron and standing in front of the stove. I walk over to the fridge beside him and grab a bottled water to try and see what he's making. But he sees me and covers the pot. I take a sip of my water and stare at him for a bit wondering if I should be the one to talk first or if I should be stubborn and walk away. But before I could decide, he comes over with a spoon in one hand the other cupping it underneath it. "Try this." He asks. I reluctantly open my mouth and taste it. "Hmmm! So good! What is it?" I ask. He says, "Galbitang. It's beef rib soup. My mother's recipe." I nod and say, "Well, I'll have to tell eomma that it is delicious!" Hobi smiles. "I love you." He says with sadness in his eyes. I nodded in agreement and started to walk away before saying, "uhuh...I love you too, asshole"

The next morning, I woke up in bed by myself

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The next morning, I woke up in bed by myself. I get up, put on my slippers, and robe. I walked around our place but didn't see him. I then heard a child's laugh coming from behind me. I followed the sound and saw a little boy in the living room playing with Hobi. I felt like I know this child. He looked like he was almost two years old. He was laughing with Hobi playing peekaboo. He honestly looked like a mix of me and Hobi! I walked further into the living room to get a closer look. That's when he saw me and he said, "Eomma!" Then he ran to me and thats when I heard a buzzing. I wake up in bed with Hobi laying next to me asleep. Was that real?! I rub my face and look at the time on the clock on my night stand. I see that it's four in the morning. I still have another five hours before I have to be up. So I turn over and go back to sleep. "Baps" Hobi whispers while rubbing my thighs. "Baps!" He gets a bit louder. I can hear him and know why he's in my ear whispering. "Hobi, if you don't get off me, you gonna get my elbows." I said. He laughed and turned me over. "I dare you!" He said while chuckling. "I'm serious Hobi" I say with a smile on my face. "Are you really gonna be this way with me?" He asks. I don't respond but I have a smile on my face but then I turn away from him. "Oh, I know what's going on..." He says. I turned towards him and say, "No sir. You don't. You rarely do." I then laugh. He jumps on top of me and spreads my legs. He then says, "I know you want this..." I laugh. "Oh yeah?" I ask. He nods and begins to take my panties off, unbuttoned my top, and he takes off his boxer shorts. "I want you and I know you want me." He says as he slowly enters inside me. I let out a moan before I respond, "I'm still mad at you." He slowly begins to pull in and out of me. "I let me show you my love. To remind you of what we have." He says. I felt tears in my eyes. He kisses me and continues to make love to me. This time was so different. I felt the most connected to him than I've ever felt before. I felt water land on my face and I wipe it away. Where could it have come from. When I look up I see that he's crying! His tears fell on my face! "Hobi! Are you crying?!" I ask. He wipes his tears and says, "I'm sorry." I finally felt a release in my heart.

A week went by

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A week went by. Hobi went into his studio to work on some solo projects. I stayed home to catch up on some stuff. I get a call from my mom and she tells me that my older sister went into the hospital with a threat of a miscarriage! I drop my phone and start to cry. I call Hobi and he comes home. After he calms me down, he convinces me to go see my family. He buys me a ticket and takes me to the airport that night. I give him a kiss but I noticed he had sadness in his eyes. Maybe it's because he's worried that I'm going on my own. Since he can't join me because of his solo projects. I make a mental note to check in with him once I'm settled and I can talk to him. I arrive back in Michigan and hug my mom's neck so tight. She takes me to the hospital to see my sister. After catching up with everyone, I noticed that the text I sent Hobi once I landed went unread. So I decide to step out of my sisters hospital room and into the hallway to call him. He doesn't answer. I text him but no response. I figured he was busy or his phone died. The next day, I'm in the hospital café waiting for visiting hours to begin so I can see my sister. I decide to FaceTime him...he finally answers. After talking with him, I can't believe what just happened! I start crying! How could he break up with me?! After everything we've been through?!

To see the rest of this story, please visit my YouTube channel and watch my imagine series:

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