Chapter Sixteen - A Suitable Dress

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The night before our clothes shopping trip, I had a strange and rather horrible dream. Master had clipped a lead onto my collar and he was leading me through a shopping mall.

And the strangest thing was that nobody else seemed to be bothered.

But when I told him, at breakfast the next morning, he just laughed. "You certainly don't need to worry about that," he reassured me. "I'm very careful about guarding my privileges - and that assuredly includes the right to appreciate your naked body!"

I smiled back at him. I knew it, really.

"So, if you've finished, go and get yourself dressed." He sent me on my way with a not particularly gentle pat on the bottom.

A pair of jeans had magically appeared in my old bedroom so I popped them on. Somehow you could tell they were expensive - they clung to my body and seemed to emphasise my lack of curves. I added one of the kitten t-shirts and the wonderfully woolly, oversized jumper. I didn't have any normal trainers so I just put on my walking shoes.

It felt a bit funny to be putting on normal clothes after spending so much time naked but when I looked in the mirror I was quite happy with the results.

It felt even stranger when I walked out and stood in Master's presence rather than dropping to my knees in front of him as we prepared to leave.

And it felt very strange indeed when he turned me round and took off the collar that had been part of me for weeks. He kissed me on the back of the neck and then said, "Go and put this away but pop your kitten necklace on. I want you to be wearing something that marks you as my property!"

When I was done, we took the lift down. Master must have noticed how uneasy I was about going out into the big bad world and took my hand. He even stroked the back of it with his thumb as we stepped across to the waiting limousine.

That was nice... reassuring.

The driver opened the door but it was Master who helped me inside - that made me feel really special!

I settled back into the luxurious seat but, when Mr Fussy joined me, he reached across me and fastened my seatbelt, giving me a slightly fussy frown to let me know I should have done it myself. Then he exchanged a couple of friendly words with the driver before he raised the privacy screen.

"Right, Kitten," he said, "as you can probably guess, the normal kitten rules such as use of your paws, sitting on furniture and kneeling in my presence are suspended for the duration of the trip."

"Thank you, Master." That was a relief, I didn't like the idea of following his freaky weird pet rules in public.

"But, of course, the rules about betrayal still apply." He fixed me with a look that was somewhere between just a friendly warning and a completely terrifying glare. "Please be very careful about what you say."

"Yes, Master!"

Of course we were driven straight to the most exclusive clothes shop in town. I'd been past it plenty of times but I'd never dared to go inside... it's the sort of place where they have someone to meet you at the door whose job it is to make you feel uncomfortable and go away.

But we were greeted in person by the manageress. I don't know how she knew that he was Mr VIP... I guess it's part of her job to smell the money! She politely asked what we were looking for then called over an assistant called Jenny.

Mr Bossy spent about five minutes explaining what he wanted and then left me in her care.

Over the next two hours, Jenny and I had a great time. I guess that's what it must be like to go clothes shopping with your older sister. I spent most of the time in just my knickers because the dresses we were looking at had to be worn without a bra. But, after being naked for most of the last month, I really didn't care. She pretended not to notice the fact that I was wearing a security tag on my ankle... I guess she'd decided that I was some sort of criminal.

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