Chapter Twenty Three - A Lost Kitten's Tale...

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Over the next few days, my walks got longer and more adventurous. I'd made it over that worrying bridge on my own and even managed the steep climb up to the bench.

And, on a Wednesday morning, I decided this was the day. The weather was perfect for walking... bright and clear but not too hot.

So, in the morning, I was a busy little kitten. First I sat at the piano and ran through my scales and pieces about half a dozen times each, more where I was having trouble. Once, I'd have found it pretty boring but now I knew what boredom really meant so I wasn't worried.

Then I went up to Mr Bossy's study for my math's lesson. I'd always assumed I couldn't do maths but it's amazing what a difference it makes if you actually concentrate in the lessons and do your homework. By now, I could cope with everything that I needed for the economics stuff but, with Master's permission, I'd kept going because, funnily enough, I was sort of enjoying it.

The cleaning ladies arrived half way through my lesson. One of them walked past the office door, on her way up to do the bedrooms, and gave me a little wave. Elroy was with her, of course. Nobody was allowed to go upstairs in the flat without supervision.

Except me, of course!

Then I had to read... and understand... a chapter of one of his management books. I sort of wanted to skip it but I knew Mr Grumpy would be quizzing me about it and he'd be more than just grumpy if I hadn't made a sensible effort.

One of my latest privileges was to help myself to a sandwich at lunchtime - as long as I ate it 'properly'. I sat down at the kitchen island to eat at twelve o'clock on the dot... and I was already changed... so I was ready to go at quarter past. I got the feeling that Elroy was giving me a funny look when I told him I was off but I guess that was just me being paranoid.

I knew the first bit of the walk quite well, now, so I wasn't completely pooped by the time I reached the bench and, after a short rest, I set off along the broad track that led up the moorland ridge towards Pen Tor. After a while I reached a signpost from where a path led down into the valley and I worked out that I could use it as a shortcut on my way home.

I hurried on towards the Tor. It was further away than it looked and the way up to the summit was really steep and I found myself clambering over boulders and up big slabs of rock.

But at last I made it to the top!

And, as I stood there, puffing and panting and feeling stupidly pleased with myself, I caught sight of the view.

It was amazing.

The moors stretched on for miles and miles. Behind me, I could just about make out the group of blocks of flats where we lived and in the other direction, way off on the horizon, I could just see the sea.

I enjoyed the view for a couple of minutes but then I noticed that the sun was nothing like as high in the sky as it had been. It was definitely time for a little kitten to scurry away back home.

The way down off the Tor was even trickier than the climb up and, by the time I got back to the signpost, the sun was much lower and I was pleased that I'd found the shortcut. I was starting to get a bit thirsty too and I wished I'd brought a bottle of water with me.

I set off down the track but, once it reached the trees, the evening sunlight was cut off and it suddenly became much darker... and much more scary. I tried to hurry but the path was rough and I was worried about tripping.

The path stretched on and there were a couple of junctions but I kept on ahead. If I kept going straight on I knew I ought to reach the stream. But then I came to a sort of Y-shaped junction and I just didn't know which one to take.

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