Chapter Thirty Nine - The Big Wave

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About two hours later, just as my limo was rolling up in front of 'Anthony Lloyd Enterprises', I got a phone call from Anthony Lloyd.

"Hello, Kitten," Mr Smug said. "I see that you've just arrived."

"How did you know that?"

"It would be a lax security system if we didn't know who was approaching," he told me with a chuckle. "I just told the system to let me know when you hit our perimeter."

I don't suppose I should really have been surprised.

"Should I invite the driver in for a sandwich?" I asked.

"Very good, Kitten!" he said and I felt a little buzz of warmth at his praise. "Collect your security lanyard from reception and you can use that to pay for your lunches. I'll be with you in a couple of minutes."

When Master appeared in the cafeteria, his bandage had been replaced by a simple plaster and he looked as if a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

"I'm guessing you've sorted out your problems!" I said as he took the seat opposite me.

"Matters have been satisfactorily resolved," he replied. He gave me a smile that told me that he liked my ambiguous my question.

We ate our lunch together then he stepped into one of the meeting rooms to change whilst I persuaded their magic machine to make us a couple of cups of coffee. Espressos, not cappuccinos, because of Zi'Anna's invisible eye over my shoulder! Clutching our coffee cups, we made our way out to the car.

Master didn't even have any phone calls to make so I had him all to myself and the trip out to the coast seemed much shorter. Soon we were rolling into the car park where we had been collected last time. He told the driver to deliver our bags to the hotel and then he and I set off on foot.

It was a bright, sunny afternoon but it was still blustery and, as we made our way down through the fields towards the coast, a wave of relief washed over me and I let out a huge sigh.

"What's up?" Master asked with a smile

"I don't know... I guess I've just been shut up in that apartment for too long. It's nice to get out for a change!"

"I've been so busy, I've not been able to pay you the attention you deserve," he admitted. "I'm sorry about that."

That was unusual. He hardly ever apologised to me because he hardly ever did anything that he thought needed an apology.

"I understand it's impossible now," I said. "but I'd got used to those walks."

We walked on in silence for a bit then he suddenly turned to me. "Would you like me to organise some self defence classes?" he asked. "It would get you out of the flat and could potentially be useful."

I thought about this for a while. It certainly couldn't do any harm and, if I ever found myself back on the streets, it could well come in handy. "Yes, please," I replied.

"I'll ask Caroline to work with you," he said and I could tell he was thinking out loud. "If you are ever attacked, there's a good chance that you'll be working with close protection operatives from 'Enforcement Division' so it makes sense for you to train with them. And besides..." he gave me a little grin... "I'd be much more comfortable with you doing that sort of one-on-one training with a woman... and there aren't many better than Caroline."

By now we were getting close to the cliff and you could already feel the waves crashing onto the rocks below. Mr Lovely noticed my excitement and took my hand as I peeped over the edge. The waves were just huge and, as they smashed against the rocks, they threw up great big clouds of spray that splashed up almost as high as us.

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