Author's Note

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Hello readers, I am Raptorixx. First of all, thank you all of you for reading my fanfic, I never expected to be at #1 in the Monster Hunter ranking.

A lot of readers have been commenting that I should continue the story. Unfortunately, some have sent me private messages that my story is 'childish' and 'quite boring'.

Of course I wouldn't stop just because of those messages but it really hit deep since it's my first fanfic. Readers, of you feel that my story is lacking in any way please use this AN to let me know.

I started this fanfic for fun because I had my tonsils removed and I couldn't do anything but to stay in bed. It was really surprising that people actually liked my story and I decided to continue writing it. However, I have long recovered and don't have the same liberty as before.

So I make this AN for three reasons:
1. For the readers to comment on any suggestions or ideas they might have. Anything related to the romance section might not be applied.
2. To vote for those who want me to continue the fanfic. I am aiming for 25 votes on this AN so I can know that at least 25 people are reading this fanfic.(I would update the number of votes in the future)
3. If you have any questions related to the fanfic, future stories or myself. Anything you don't understand or want to know, make sure you leave a comment.

Thank you for your support and I hope you have a nice day!😁

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2019 ⏰

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