part 1

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Here I am, sitting in a classroom, all around are people that I hate. That want for me to legit die.

"Amber, what's the answer?" My teacher asks, thinking I wasn't paying attention.

"52." I answer, not paying attention to the board.

"Good. Next..."

I felt the eyes pointed at me. I just felt it. It feels like needles are pocking at me.

I was glad that the bell rang right after.

I collected my stuff and sprinted out of the classroom.

"Oh, look, miss smartness is walking!" I hear a girl say as I exit the school.

They all laugh histariclly.

Oh, look, miss nice girl is walking! I think to myself.

As I spot my aunts car, I quickly headed over to it and climb in it, closing the door.

"Hi! How was school?"

I smile as much as possible and say:

"Good. Very good."

"That is great! I'm gonna drop you off at home, I need to go back to my salon, okay?"

"Sure." I murble even tho I didn't really har what she said.

All I could think of is that I will go to the barn and ride Rosi. No other thoughts came to my head.

When I was finally home, I ate a fruit salad, as I wasn't hungry and drank a glass of water with lemon.

Afterwards I changed into black breeches, black socks and a navy sweater. I tied my hair in a low pony tail, filled my water bottle with water, put on my padock boots, chaps and went outside.

I just ride my bike to the barn as it's only like 4 miles away from my house.

I ride out in the brisk november air. The wind was brushing through my ears. But it's nothing like when I gallop with Rosi. I've seen him 2 days ago, but I miss her already.


There is no better sound that entering an empty barn. The smell of horses. And them chewing on hay.

Sounds weird, but it's triggering.

I feel so much better as all of that hits me. Just like medicine. Better.

I walk towards the tackroom. My trainer was calmy mucking Pie's stall.

"Hey, early pants."

"Hi. Is Rosi in?"

"Nope. Your mare is waiting for you in the field. She was standing there the whole day." She gives me a warm smile.

"Awww.... Better get my love." As I say that I just feel love in my heart. It's such an amazing feeling.

I put the fresh carrots that I bought for Rosi. She absolutely adores carrots.

I grab my leadrope from the locker and walk outside, to the padock.

And there she is..

Her ears perk at me as I get closer to the gate. She nickers at me and I giggle.

As I finally reach my gorgeous girl, I rub her face.

To the Moon and Back |Horse Story| 《COMPLETED 》Where stories live. Discover now