part 12

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She doesn't pick it up the first time, but you have to start from somewhere.

As it wasn't going so well, I gave her a whip. As Tora finally understood what mom wants, she started trotting.

"I did it!" My mom gets exited.

"Yes, but relax. Colect your reins and tap on the shoulder a bit, she's getting slower."

She trotted many circles very nicely.

Then I thought her how to do a sitting trot. She was bouncing a lot, but I told her to relax her legs and get them out of the stirrups.

After the lesson, I helped her to get down.

"Wow, mom, you were really good!"

"Thanks! I forgot how fun is riding."

We untacked Tora, gave her treats and lead her out.

"Ok, Amber, do you remember? On Saturday is the barn aniverssary! We're going on a hack at 12 p.m. Will you come?"

"For sure. I'll hack Rosi, she'll love it."

"Good. You're riding tomorrow, Fargo. You're gonna work on bounces, so get ready. And Jennifer, you are riding on Thursday again, right?"

"Yup. Ok, we shall go now. See you tomorrow!"

"See ya."


Ok, evening are officialy the most boring time of the day.


* *

Again, had homeschool in the morning.

And had lunch.

"Hey, you have any plans for the afternoon?"

"Um, no."

"I think we should go shopping."

"That sounds fun!"

So we got ready and off we go.

It was quite fun shopping. I bought many needed stuff. Like 7 pairs of fuzzy socks, 3 cozy sweaters, a fluffy blanket, a christmas mug...

Ok, I know, they aren't needed. But I needed to get ready for winter! Also the mug is evrything.

Like, how could you not buy that?!

I also went to a tack store. My mom bought some winter gloves and winter socks.

And I bought a pair of really really warm breeches, a warm riding coat, two pairs of warm socks and I even bought a saddle pad for Fargo. It's a navy LeMieux winter saddlepad so he'd be warm. And it also matched my hoodie very well.

Today was super cold, so I got ready to ride for harsh weather.

I put on my new breeches. They fit me like a glove. Since I had my winter boots, I put on medium warm socks. Then I put on that warm navy hoodie to match the saddle pad.

I had some soup and we drove to the barn.

"Hey! I lunged Rosi this mornimg to get her ready for the hack. Fargo is in the padock. Here's a lead rope. Just hid it, he's impossible to catch." Clara giggles.

I laugh as well and walk to the padock area with the lead rope in my hand.

Fargo wasn't too far away, but a little walk needed to be done. I hid my lead rope behind my back and called his name.

He looked at me and went back to the grass.

I was about to reach him, but he walked off. I tried again, but he galloped away.

He's smart.

He did run around a lot, but sadly, the padock was small, because only Bravo and Fargo live in it, so I eventually cought him.

After I led him to his stall, I groomed him (he didn't roll, but his legs were quite muddy).

After a quick groom, I tried on the saddle pad. It fitted him just right.

I finished tacking him and I up and we were ready to go.

"Mavis, see how spoiled she is? She bought a saddle pad for a horse she rode only once! He doesn't even like her! She's such a spoiled show-off rat!" I hear Katie.

Spoiled show-off rat? I think she was talking about herself, cause it most sure fits her personality.

I thought Mavis would say something, but it seemed like she didn't really hear Katie. She continued to tack up Hero.

After a warm up of walk, trot, canter, poles and cavaletties, Clara set up two bounce jumps.

Fargo went over them really nice. He did rush a bit, but that's just his personality.

The she put up a third one.

He did refuse once, but it was my fault. I had a really bad distance. But the many other times we tried, he went over them like a good boy.

Then she raised the jumps to like 90 cm, but the last one went for like 1 metre and it had a little stride.

The first time he was super exited, skipped that stride (as he has huge strides) and took a long jump. It kinda put me off balance and I lost my stirrups, but I held on. Also the bolt was fun without stirrups..

"Good girl for staying on! Get your stirrups and keep that canter!" Clara comands.

I got my stirrups again.

But there was a little oopsie. Thanks to Katie...

Katie rode Ginger (a fjord horse gelding). Fargo hates other horses being hear him while he rides. He usually kicks them.

Katie knew I was a bit off balance. She was cantering with Ginger (just a slower canter) and turned him near Fargo.

Fargo saw that Ginger was near him and tried to kick him.

His kick was super powerfull. I lost my left over balance and soon I was in the air, meeting the ground.

I opened my eyes, facing the sand. I stand up and dust myself off.

"Amber! Are you okey?"

"I am, don't worry. Where's Fargo?"

Fargo trotted to the door to the barn. I got him and mounted him.

I knew it was Katies fault. But she got what she deserved. Ginger bolted (luckily, he didn't got kicked), getting Katie off balance. So she fell as well, hurting her leg badly. Karma...

We went on with jumping the bounces.

And at the very end Clara set up a 1.05 m oxer!

Fargo was very very very exited to jump it. I slowed him down a bit and we jumped it!

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