part 6

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"Perfect! Love that you use no reins! And you're going bitless?! Oh wow!" Maggie hypes up.

I smile. Wow, Maggie does think I'm that good?

"Very nice. Can you do a walk-canter transosion for me?"

I sit back and squeze. She does it first time and my happiness level really increases.

"That was absolutely perfect. Love your heels and lower leg. Hands on point as well as the seat.. Give me a lead change at the center."

I turn Rosi to the middle ans ask for a lead change.

"Spectacular! Let her know that she's a good girl and slow down to a walk."

I slow Rosi down and give her a big pat on her bum and neck.

Maggie comes up and starts walking with us.

"Wow, Amber, wow! You did everything so perfect! Everything was on point. Not only you have an amazing position, balance, but Rosi has such a well-built body. How old is she?"


"She's quite young. And how long have you been together?"

"I think two years now."

"Two years? You both together have an absolutely amazing bond for only being together for two years! For how many years have you been riding?"

"Eight next year."

"Amazing.... You two blew my mind today. You'll get even better. Super!" She gives me a thumb up and walks to Carla.

It felt like a dream. How could Maggie Wilson talk like this about me and Rosi! I kind of struggeled to breath, but my happiness was overloading over the overload.

I hugged Rosi thight as I let go off my reins and put my legs out of the stirrups.

"Rosi, how much better can you be?" I ask her and giggle.

I later on unmount her and pet her neck. Maggie comes up.

"So, I just talked to your trainer and we decided that if you want, you can come to my stable! You could train, grow with Rosi and be huge stars. How does that sound?"

My eyes got wide like never before. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. What did I do to deserve this.

I thought about it.

I would adore to go to her place, it soulds super amazing. but I love this barn and I do want to stay in it.

"I would really love to, but I can't leave this place. Maybe another time when I feel like I want to be better."

"Oh, I totaly get you. It's hard to do that. If you want you can tell your trainer, she'll call me and you are always welcome." She gives me a nice smile and fugs me.

She hugged me! She did!

Later on she said goodbye to Clara and drove off.

"I'm glad you stayied. A part of this barn would dissapear if you would go away." Clara tells me after they go out.

I take a breath of the cold air.

"I think I made the right choise."

"Yeah.. Go untack and give loads of live for this mare. Good girl, Rosi!" She pats Rosi on the shoulder.

Rosi didn't really understand what was going on, but she felt my happiness and was happy as well.

I untacked Rosi and gave her a big hug, a carrot and other flavoured treats. But that obviosly wasn't enough.

I put on her yellow rope halter and lead her outside to feed her grass.

The grass in besides the barn was much more yummy, lushious and green so she was so happy.

I took a photo of her and put it on my Insta story. My idiot classmates still couldn't figure out who I was.

But wow! As I was at the barn, I completely forgot about all of the things  that happened in school!

Rosi cures me.

With her, there's always a light at the end of the tunel.

Then I saw Mavis dad's car pull up. Oh, she's here for the lesson.

The watch on my wrist showed 1 p.m., she wasn't that early.

I though she would give me some kind of look, but she didn't! It seemed like she didn't even see me, just peacefully entered the barn.

I was getting quite tired and hungry, so I lead Rosi to her padock, said bye to her, Clara and walked home.

My mom wasn't home. I didn't know why, but who cares.

For lunch, I wanted something bigger, so I made myself some roasted vegetables.

* *

The rest of the weekend I didn't do much. I just did my homework, as there was a lot, cleaned my messy room and spent a lot of time with Goldie.

I even took a picture of her on the snowy dirt road, inbetween trees and posted it onto my Instagram.

My mom wasn't home almost the whole weekend. I don't know where she was, but I didn't care that much.

Monday was about to hit my heart with the worst pain ever.

To the Moon and Back |Horse Story| 《COMPLETED 》Where stories live. Discover now