part 2

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Rosi starts walking as Mavis moves her lower leg slightly.

"Colect your reins. Well don't pull! Your leg is wobbeling around! Better ask for a trot."

Mavis started almost kicking Rosi as she starts a speedy canter. Which trows Mavis out of balance, but she stops on time.

"Who told you to kick?! Do not kick any horse unless it's really necessary! Slow down to a trot! You have no balance!"

Mavis starts a weird trot. Rosi hates it, as she starts putting her head up. Mavis gets flusterated and starts pulling on the reins. I couldn't see my mare suffering so I half-shouted:

"Please get off."

She sort of ignores me and goes on by pulling on her nose. Rosi rears up, not hight tho.

"Listen to Amber! It's her horse! She owns it, not you. Please get off."

Mavis quickly unmounts Rosi and gives me her rein, giving me the ridest look.

That's what you deserve. I think to myslef.

"Mavis, what were you doing?! That was terrible!"

"She didn't listen."

"She didn't, because she didn't understand your comands. See, she is very hard to ride!"

I gently mount my mare and rub her neck.

"Everybody, you can walk for a circle and leave the arena." Carla states.a

I urge Rosi to a slow walk as I let my reins at the end and start petting her.

"Was she really that hard to ride?!" I hear Jane.

"No, she wasn't! Amber thought her to do that!"

"She's so mean!" Jane states.

"I know right!"

I did not train her to do that! She know the comand to rear, but nobody ask her, obviosly! Mavis just doesn't know how to propertly freaking ride!

But nothing mattered. I was happy being on my girl. Feeling her slowly move under me, a smile appeared on my face. How can I not be happy with this spectacular horse!

As everybody was leaving the arena, we were still walking. I put my legs out of the stirrups and put my hands in my pockets.

She trusts me, I trust her...

I hear my trainer walking into the arena.

"Gosh, this is so beautiful! Let me take a picture."

I nod and smile, looking down at Rosi.

As she takes two pictures and walks to the stables, I unmount Rosi and start walking.

She follows me back to her stall and I pat her.

"She's showing off so much!" Mavis says to Jane. Jane nods.

I roll my eyes and untack her. Then I give her a carrot and put on her medium-warmth rug, as tonight is going to be pretty chilli.

"So, Amber, when are you coming?" Clara walks to me.

"Um, I think on Thursday."

"Good then. I have sent Maggie Wilson a video of you riding she was very impressed and wanted to see you ride in real life!"

My heart started racing and I sort of froze.

"Maggie W-wilson?!"

"Yup! She wants to come on Saturday, 12 p.m. How's that?"

"Well, ok." I say after thinking. I'm still not going to be doing anything on the weekend.

"Just don't be nervous. She is very generous and nice. I think you'll do amazing." She smiles.

It was so weird hearing support said to me. All I hear is hate.

"Ok. I'll get going now. See you on Thursday." I smile.

"Of course. Have a great evening."

I walk into Rosi's stall. She rises her head up from the haynet. I pet her head and kiss her.

"Good night, my lovely. See you tomorrow." I say and slowly leave the stall.

I get my backpack and get on my bike.

* *

When I came back home I put my backpack away and flop on the couch.

Goodness, Maggie Wilson! She is such a well know trainer and rider here in Canada. She trained a lot of amazing riders and even trained Charlotte Dujardin a bit!

I was so nervous. What if she hates me? She will. I am not that good afterall.

I was quite hungry tho so I walked to the kitchen.

I made myself a cup of green tea and heated the last nights vegetable stew.

I am going vegan right now. I hate the thought of eating animals.

The stew was great. I was pround of myself for once.

After my yummy dinner I went upstairs and did my homework.


That didn't take me too long. I'm actually pretty good at school. I am one of the best students in class.

That's just another thing for my classmates to hate me.

I don't even want to call them classmates. They don't deserve that name.

When I think about school I groan. Not that place again. I like learning and stuff, but not with those.

I look out of my window. It's only 6 p.m. and it's so dark.

The starts are peeking through the trees already. Why is it fall already?

But it's a magical time. I like autumn.

It was a beautiful sunset and I needed to perpetuate this moment. I opened my drawer and took out my Canon camera.

To the Moon and Back |Horse Story| 《COMPLETED 》Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora