part 9

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We went to the school at around 1 p.m.

It was great knowing that I'll never go here.

My mom went to the principals office whilist I went to my teachers cabinet.

All of the classmates were standing outside.

I went from the other side and entered my teachers room.

She wasn't there, so I just put the paper on the table and went out.

"Well, well, well. Where have you been, lady." I hear Jenny behind my back.

"None of your business." I turn around, facing her.

"We've missed you..."

"Oh really? I don't think so. Sadly, you are called out now for your nice behavior. I'm leaving this horrible class, so you can celebrate. Also, the bathroom was very nice looking."

"You did what!?" She grabbed my arm thightly.

"I did what you deserve." I say right to her and free myslef.

As I was walking away, I felt their looks at me. They got what they deserved.

But now I was feeling strong and confident. I didn't care what they thought. Besides, I looked quite good.

My mom exited the office after about 5 more minutes.

"You are exited now. We can go home."

"Thanks, mom."

She smiles and we walk to the car.


We didn't do much later that day till 4 p.m.

I just read my book, went on my phone and just kind of layied around.

At 4 p.m. I had an avocado toast, changed into some comfy, but athetic clothing and me and my mom went to the barn.

"Hey, girls!" Carla greets us.

"Hi. You look haply today!" My mom states.

"Well, I've got gteat news. Rosi is doing really good!"

I fill with exitment. I run to her stall.

She was nicelly standing, looking much happier. She nickers at me.

I enter her stall and hug her.

"Hey, sweet little girl."

"So, she has been really good. She layied down tonight. But now she is feeling so much better. I even walked her and she felt quite good."

"Well, looks like she's going to get better soon." My mom smiles.

"Yes, for sure. Oh, Amber! I forgot to tell you. Today I really want for you to exercise Fargo. He's this dapple gray hanoverian that I bought about 8 months ago. He's about 5 now and he's growing as a big star. Can you?"

"Oh, well yeah, why not." I answer.

"Perfect. I set up a little cross that you can go over at the beggining."

"Wait, am I going to jump?"

"Yeah, is that bad?"

"Well, that's fine and cool, actually."

"Ok. His stall is the 4th one, he has a name plate. And you know where the tack is. He's already groomed, just put the tack on. And don't forget about the boots and the breastplate."

I nod. Wow, a new adventure! I haven't jumped in like a month. And I loveee fresh horses.

My outfit wasn't that bad. I had warm sports pants on and longer socks. I can just ride in my tall boots, it's not a big deal.

I searched for his tack set. Fargo... Fargo.... oh, found it!

He had this modern looking black with white details jumping saddle. He had a fluffy half pad, breatheable saddlepad. His bridle was this black color and he had a pretty breastplate and some new-looking teandent boots.

I grabbed all of the tack and went over to his stall.

Fargo was eating his fresh hay. He perked his ears at me as I was completely new to him.

I scrached his forehead and entered his stall.

I tacked him up efortless, he was a very good boy.

As we both were ready, I leaded him out of his stall, to the indoor arena.

As I was mounting him, he walked away. But I was quick and got myslef on.

I let my rein loose. He starts walking really quickly, looking around. He has a lot of movement in him.

After about three more circles I asked for a trot. He picked it up emedietly, without even thinking.

It was very energetic and I didn't manage to slow him down. But that didn't bother me, I liked quick horses. Besides, I'm exercising him.

I went over some poles that he is really good at.

After some walking I asked for a trot and then a canter.

He definetly was super strong and you could really feel that in the canter. I petted him for a good transision and cantered on.

We went over a pole so that he would be alarmed that we're jumping.

After we did the other side my mom came in as I asked her to film me for my first jump in a month.

As my mom took out my phone and started recording, I was already looking at the jump. I did a flying lead change as he had the wrong lead.

Then as we were in the same line as the jump, he got super exited and started leaping to it. I did slow him down a little and then right after asked to jump.

He jumped it really nicely and even changed his lead. But as I expected, he did pull off a little buck. But it was really smooth and easy to sit.

I forgot how fun it is to jump. It gives me so much adrenaline. Dressage is boring compared to this.

I patted him and smiled. What a nice horse...

"Got it!" I hear my mom.

I feel as Fargo starts to get faster so I half seat and slow him down to a trot.

"Amber, perfect! That was really good! Let me put it up." I hear Clara.

One after another, the jumps got higher. We jumped up to 1.05 m!

I was having so much fun, as well as mister Fargo man.

After all of the jumping I let his rein loose and patted him all over with 'good boys' following.

"How did you control him?"

To the Moon and Back |Horse Story| 《COMPLETED 》Where stories live. Discover now