part 4

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It was like absolute heaven being back on my mare. She felt so good.

We started by going on the road that leads to the barn and them turned left to enter the forest.

The forest looked amazing when it was snowing. I quickly took a picture and we went on.

After a few more minutes of walking we picket up a nice flowy trot. Not gonna lie, I was lazy to do a rising trot so I just did a sitting one.

Then the path got a bit narrow so I slowed her down to a slow walk.

There was a tiny pond where we would go to step in, but now it was too cold.

Then my favorite part came. The open field.

We were ready for a gallop as we walked and trotted for about 30 minutes.

So I turned her to the field and faced the long part.

Rosi knew what was it time for. I just gently squezed her and she went for a full gallop.

Even the icy weather was going through my face, I was living. The adrenaline was rushing through my whole body. Nothing is better than galloping with Rosi.

The music added an amazing athmosphere. I smiled. How couldn't I.

As we reached the end I slowed her down for a chill canter round.

We did a little slow canter around half of the field and lazily trotted back to the path.

"I know girl, you wanted more. But it's enough for today." I tell her, still ot of breath, as she snorted.

I could hear her heavy breath. She's always a fast horse. I love that.

Then we serpantines came. You had to turn a lot, go up or down a hill. Some were steep, some weren't.

I knew there was a mini river coming so I urged Rosi to a trot and asked her to jump it.

She isn't very keen on jumping, but she didn't want to go though the cold water. So she jumped it.

The last section of the trail was by a highway. The cars were zooming past, but we were walking on the grass, quite far away from the busy road. Rosi isn't spooky.

The people in the cars were watching me, smiling and taking pictures. I waved at them.

We finally came back from the barn.

The people were having lessons. Katie and Diana were riding today. The gave me an annoyied look, but I didn't care.

As I unmounted and patted Rosi, Clara came.

"How did the hack went?"

"Great! We got a very good gallop in the field and I cantered up a hill."

"What about the river?"

"She jumped it."

"Oh, that's just great! Ok, I heading back to the arena." She smiles and walks back, comanding something to Diana.

I untacked Rosi and gave her a treat. She was warm which I was happy about.

I put on her rug, grabbed some more treats, my dressage whip her fancy shmancy leather halter as it was time for tricks!

I leaded her outside into a small empty padock. I could go in front of the barn, but the girls would think I'm showing off so I didn't.

We started with the easy- kisses. Rosi is a really really quick learner. It was really easy to teach her tricks.

She knows the kiss really well so I didn't ramble on too long. We went with a leg pick up. She did both really well, I was so proud.

The spanish walk was still kinda new to her, but she's picking it up. The first time she didn't really want to do it, but went with it.

After some spanish walk training I asked her for a rear. She loves to do the rear, so we did that about four times.

When I'm on her, she knows how to rear the best. She doesn't quite pick up her leg now, but she eventually will, I know that.

I asked her to lie down. She did it, but I emedietly asked her to stand up as the ground was cold now. I'd much rather do it in the arena.

She got many treats inbetween and after the tricks. I leaded her to the padock, or can I say, she followed me to the padock.

As I let her go she didn't really want to. I kissed her and scrached her favoeite spot, her forehead.

"Good girl. Love you." I wisper and walk away.

I never want to leave my mare, but sadly, I can't be with her 24/7.

When I entered the barn I rushed to take my backpack, say bye to Clare and just almost ran off.

I didn't wanna hear Katie and Diana talking about me.

I reached home just in time. 6 p.m.

I was so eager to eat. Avocado toast is yummy and healthy, but doesn't keep you full.

I changed into a more casuall outfit and started the cooking.

After the squash was done, I quickly went for a mini walk with Goldie. The squash cooled down.

I ate it by myself. Well yes, Goldie was by me.

I was so lonely. Legit no one likes me. Maybe my aunt a tiny little bit, or my trainer. But I know who mostly likes me Rosi.

I wander is she not cold? She has a quite big winter coat and a rug. Isn't she hungry? She has hay and grass. Maybe the water is frozen? Nah, there's a waterheater.

I am so happy that Rosi can stay in such of a well looked after place. She has everything she needs.

I lost my apetite for a sec there, but I did finish the squash eventually.

I drinked some tea and had a bit of dark chocolate. My body still needs so sugar, right?

After I was full I did all of my homework. Tomorrow is Friday, so I didn't have much.

It was already 9 p.m. and my mom wasn't home...

I took a warm shower, brushed my teeth and went straight to bed.

I hope tomorrow brings something better.

To the Moon and Back |Horse Story| 《COMPLETED 》Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang