part 10

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I hear a voice. I turn and it was Lilly, one of the younger riders on Gidge.

"Oh, I don't know! He was strong, but not like uncontrolable, you know." I answer.

"Did you know Fargo is the strongest and youngest horse at the barn?"

"He is? I thought it was Bravo."

Bravo was Fargo's brother. He's at this barn from his birth. Both Fargo and Bravo are from the same dam and sire. The dam is our barn horse, Viva, who's 18 right now. And their dad is the same, but he unfortunetly died.

I later unmount Fargo and lead him back to his stall to start untacking.

"Oh my! I loved you guys today! You both work amazingly as a pair. I am so proud!" Carla tells me as I'm taking Fargo's saddle off.

"Thank you! I really liked riding him as well."

"Maybe you want some lessons with him every week?"

I'd love lessons. I'm always super bored so it'll be great.

"I'd love to! When do you have space?"

"Fargo isn't being ridden much. He's a true jumper at heart and this is a school so yeah. You can ride him on Tuesdays and Fridays. So why don't you ride regulary, Fargo on Tuesdays and Fridays, Rosi on Mondays and Wednesdays?"

"I can, singh me up."

She happily writes all that down.

"Amber, you don't know how happy I am. I always wanted for you to go further than dressage. You're an amazing rider and I don't want to just keep you down at dressage when you can get further with jumping. Maybe even go to competitions?"

Oh, wow! I never thought about that. Competing? In jumping?!

"Well, I'll think about it, but it sounds awesome!"

She comes to me and puts her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm so happy that you are here. You're the spark of this barn."

"Thanks so much!"

Fargo looks at Clara and starts nibeling on her coat.

"Fargo! What are you doing, cheeky boy!?" Clara looks at him angrily.

We both laugh.

"Anyhow, get his rug on and lead him to the padock."

I nod and with the tack in my hands, walk to the tack room.

I put on Fargo's navy rug and give him a treat.

"Good boy!"

Then I put on his halter and lead him to the gelding field.

When I come back, I give Rosi a treat as well and kiss her on the nose.

"Oh, my sweet girly, get better soon." I tell her and walk to my moms car.

"You two looked amazing! What's that horse's name again?" My mom asks while we're on our way home.


"He goes far." I mom cracks a bad joke.

We both sit silently, knowing that bad joke, and start laughing.

At home we pretty much watched TV the whole time.

I also posted that jumping video on my story. Only one day until my face reveal...


"Amber? Amber?" I feel someone shaking me.

I open my sleepy eyes to see my mom with a fancy shmancy outfit.

To the Moon and Back |Horse Story| 《COMPLETED 》حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن