Chapter 14

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The second the berg had landed and the ramp had lowered, Alex was running out and onto the bridge, followed by the three other Elites, including Sonya, Bethany, and Harriet.

They were all a close group now, and even with the threat of danger, they wouldn't be separated again.

His dark eyes scanned the area for any sight of his sister, Thomas, Newt or their friend Minho, but came up with nothing.

They weren't there yet, and that made his level of inner panic rise all the more, knowing what he knew.

The ground beneath his feet suddenly rolled with the vibrations of an explosion, the force emanating from a building a half or so block away that had just blown up.

"Get back guys, get back!"
Frypan yelled behind him, frantically gesturing the few kids who'd ventured out after the adults, back inside.
"Oh man."
His eyes were the size of saucers, red and orange flames flickering in his brown eyes as his gaze swept over the slowly burning city.

"Its okay guys, we're getting out of here soon."
Even with Frypan's reassurances, Alex could tell the guy didn't quite believe his own words.

Brenda had been right behind Alex as he'd left the berg, and was standing beside him, both of them staring at the destruction in shock and horror.

"Bren we can't stay here."

Alex turned on Jorge, a desperate look in his eyes.
"But my sister is still in there! We are their only way out now, we need to be here."

"I know, hermano. But we can't put these kids in any more danger."

"You're right," Alex sighed. "I just hope they get here in time."

Jorge set a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"Me too hermano. Me too."


The tears had dried on her cheeks, her pain of their separation temporarily shoved aside with the solitary thought of saving Newt.

Their child would need their father in their life, and Emma would be damned if she lost him to this virus.

Gasping as a blast from a rocket launcher nearly knocked her off balance, Minho swooped in in the nick of time and dragged her out of the way.

"Thanks Minho!"

The three briefly hid inside one of the damaged buildings, doing their best to catch their breaths.

Gally's chest heaved up and down as he gripped his launcher tightly, warily scanning the area for any possible signs of danger.

"Thomas? Can you hear me? I need you to listen to me.
I know you have no reason to trust me, but I need you to come back."

Teresa's voice echoed through the city,  and it was almost like everything else in the background, all the noise just faded.

What the hell was she playing at?

"Okay Em, Minho, go!"

Darting out of the space they were in, the trio zigzagged across a rubble covered street, zipping into and through a brick alleyway, Gally close behind.

Her legs burned with the excursion, but she pushed through it, with every step her only thought was getting the serum, and taking it back to Newt.

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