Small idea i had (36)

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If you look at the very first sandersides ep (I think it was what's my identity) you can see how Logan acts. He's happy , bubbly and acts more like Patton then anyone, he's more human then any other episode.

Then someone appears, Virgil, after his appearance Logan becomes more mature and more secluded, becoming more formal and uniform, more like a robot then anything.

Now with the dark sides, it's basically what the light sides hate about themselves the most.

Morality being Deceit, an evil immoral character who has no fear of what he says and will hurt in order to protect, instead of Patton who will talk things out and be peaceful.

Creativity being intrusive thoughts, a disgusting rude horrible being with no filter, damaging Thomas in scary ways and diffusing him with things he hates. Unlike Roman who had a filter and will be more unicorns and dragons instead of unicorn porn and rats impaled.

So it's what they fear and hate about them selves the most. Back to Logan with this information in mind.

Logan at this point, acts like an Ai . He learns through cards and help, he doesn't understand emotions and such. This sounds like a robot. Let's also keep this in mind.

So let's move to maths

Logan + somethings = Fear

Fear = darkside

Logan is afraid of anything human he may say an be deemed unimportant.

Logan represents Logic, smarts and rationality. So it's pretty clear what his dark side could be.

Logan + irrationality = fear

Fear = darkside.

You may say. "Isn't Remus irrationality." No, it's not.

I have the definition of intrusive thoughts here. 'Intrusive thoughts are unwanted thoughts of distressing or disturbing.'yada yada yada 'you may believe you are a bad person' old news.

So it's not irrational, Logan proves it's not in dwit.

His dark side is irrationality.

I have another theory on the sandersides including the dark sides, wanna hear it?

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