Is Logan being manipulated?

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This is my sander sides theory on The Darkside of Logan case (DOL case for short).

First my evidence. (no this wasn't an excuse to watch Thomas sanders for an hour.)

These will on be referencing Selfishness vs selflessness and Can Lying Be Good? and Dealing WIth Intrusive Thoughts

this is all from 'CLBG?' (be prepared to be sad)

"Oh good Logan! Everyone's favorite character!"- Deceit as Patton (1:10)

"See I know things too!"-Logan (5:20) ((this will be used later))

(7:01) R: " Logan! Our stage manager SLASH! Drama turd."

L: "The correct pronunciation is DramturG. The researcher of the plays and operas being put on."

R: That's why you got the job, buddy. Also!"

" Oh oh oh, you mean how he's clearly-- (muffled speech)" - Logan (19:09)

' Another thing, Deceit goes on to both insult Virgil and Roman, but not Logan. If you were Logan, you might appreciate the gesture.' - My point (19:53)

((small rant, like, very small)

'P: I'm surprised I wasn't summoned earlier! I mean, here y'all are, havin' a big ol' "T" party without me!

T: Well I thought you were here all along!'

Is the reaction Patton gets when he figures out he wasn't included, Remember that neither Thomas or the others knew it was deceit until 19:41, Why I bring this up? Look at Logan when he finds out, look at the reaction he gets.

L: A....ffidavit!

P: Logan! I'm a Lawyer now. ( 0 acknowledgment from Patton btw)

L: Wait a minute. You guys are doing a courtroom scenario... without me..? Unacceptable! (translate: You guys are doing a courtroom scenario... without Logic?)

R: Well, maybe you shouldn't have been impersonated. Did you ever think about that?

What reaction was that? Logan has no control of this? Wtf Roman?

L: Impersonated..? Deceit!

T: Yeah, yeah

R: We know!

P: Can't say I'm happy about it.

When Patton Didn't really know what was happening, he didn't get all of this sarcasm or boredom. Why is the LITERAL VOICE OF REASON being treated worse than morality?

  Back to my evidence.)

L: Also the concepts of good and bad are arguably meaningless because we can assign ANY preferred characteristics to either-

V: Not a good time, Logan.

L: Okay, sor-- stop...

(Translation: Okay, sorry I'll stop)

' Maybe deceit wasn't so bad.' - Logan (23:52)

'L: Well, Best of luck with Joan. Or as they say in theatre... fracture a femur.

V: What?

L, taking out a vocab card: The actual saying is "Break a leg," (he looks very proud and happy with himself.) But I improved it."

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