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Cleaning out some drafts rn


Logan awoke in what he'd call a void, an abyss of nothing but white... or black, even with his glasses, his eyes could not fixate on any details of this room.

A figure of black appeared in front of him. Hooded and faceless.  It wore what looked like a cloak.

"Logan Berry, Age 28. Time of death, 11:39 pm. Reason of death: Self-inflicted overdose." The figure spoke.

Logan smiled and stood up. Standing straight to the figure.

" You have never lied to harm, Spoken hate or physically hurt someone. You have never killed and never brought misfortune upon anyone or anything. So why are you here? You had 54 years left. " It spoke, gesturing to Logan.

Logan sighed. "I was tired, I had blocked myself into a hall of dead ends of my own misery. I took a chance. I'm guessing by your demeanor, it was the wrong one." He accepted, crossing his hands behind his back.

"Your life will be shortened down, only a little. You will live until your 56, then you will die. Don't take your life because of others mistakes." It said gently, touching Logan's head.

--  --   --  --  --  -- --  -- --

Logans head bolted up, his body full of pain. His breathing slowed down as he took his surroundings in. White room, beeping, heavy chest.

Come on eyes, work with me here.

Bright lights, blue bed, heavy chest.


Hes in a hospital bed.

Slowly, everything came back round. His smell, his taste , his touch (the hospital blankets were quite scratchy, do not recommend.) And lastly, his hearing.

He could first hear mumbling, that got louder and louder. And it was more of shouting while crying.

He pushed his heavy eyes over towards the hysterical figure next to him.

He was shouting his name over and over, before standing up and running for a nurse.

Why was he so distraught? He was alive and... well? He still felt horrible.

His bones still ached horrible and felt like they were much heavier then they were suppost to be. So, he sat up. His bones cracked and his muscles relaxed. He felt much better then before.

Virgil eventually came back in, a nurse next to him. Who looked more pale then virgil. Both looked speechless.

"Sir? Are... how..." She walked to the heart regular next to him, tapping it. Yup, he was definitely alive. She looked back at Logan.

"How long have I been asleep?" Was the only thing to come out of Logans mouth. A little silly, but hes alive.

"You were pronounced dead 16 minuets ago, if that counts." Virgil pipes up, walking to the other side of logan. Brushing part of his hair from his eyes.

"It wasn't my time"


You guys wasnt some form of inspiration or where I got this idea from?
Me at 3am being nightly caffeinated and depressed


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