Untitled Part 58

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"Where now?"

"Left window, 6 o'clock."

Virgil pulled his bowstring back, pointing at the window, his hands shaking. His hand glided over the now purple smoking arrow body, readjusting it. He could see the shadowy figure trying to reach inside. He took a deep breath and let go. He watched as the arrow spun and multiplied in the air. Crow-like wings emerged from the sides of the arrow and cut into the shadows body, making it spit into a black smog that eventually turned into nothing.

"Next?" Virgil's whole body was shaking. Nothing but coffee for 28 hours straight will do that too you. His mouth tasted of death and smoke. All he could smell a mixture of blood and sweat and his fingers were numb from his bowstrings.

"Gone," Logan said clearly. Virgil dropped his bow in relief, enjoying the sound of it clattering on the floor.

Virgil looked at Logan.

Logan was mid-ritual, Sitting about 2 meters in the air in a crossed-legged position, his hands placed gently on his knees, dark blue puffs of smoke excreting out of the large gaps in his arms and hands. Logan had a large gap in the side of his head which had some form of blue galaxy spiraling around, dripping out of his skull gently. No blood, just... galaxy. It was quite beautiful.

Logan stepped down from the air, his bare feet gently padding the floor. "There is a sofa over there." He gestured to the light blue couch that was mildly ashed from stray arrows. "I'd suggest you rest, I will prepare some food and drink for you." Logan calmly stated, figuratively gliding to the kitchen. He started to pour hot water in the kettle and placed it on the stove. Virgil gave a weak thumbs-up, slid off his hoodie and flopped on the sofa.

Logan cracked his neck, smiling softly at his sleeping fiancé on the light blue sofa as he poured some sweet lemon tea into two mugs. He tapped the bottom of each with his index finger and happily watched the mugs float over to the side of the sofa. Logan pulled out his phone, punching in the password and dialing up a pizza company and placing a small order of a large pepperoni pizza.

He pushed his teal to brown hair out of his face and started to walk towards Virgil, he slipped out of the large silk long cloak he was wearing (This is mostly for the fact that it's comfortable as hell he doesn't get to wear it much. He is wearing clothes beneath ya pervs) and gently lifted Virgils head and moved it onto his lap as he sat down. Gently stroking his hair.

"Thank you, Virgil" Logan muttered sweetly.

"S'nothin," Virgil muttered back, holding Logan's hand against his head. He gave a small hum.

"Really Virgil, You put yourself through 28 hours of pure hell to just get rid of my own nightmare, knowing full well I could do it by myself. Thank you." He continued brushing his hand through his hair. Then slowly moving his way to Virgils wings, feeling where cuts and missing feathers were. Logan stopped, he pushed his forehead into Virgil's nape and stayed there, feeling the small fluffy feathers that were sprinkled there. " thank you..." he muffled. Taking off his glasses so he'd stop spiking Virgil with it's plastic.

"If it stops you having nightmares every night and stopping my already shitty sleeping schedule. It's worth it, also stop thanking me, I'm already sick of this..." Virgil was stuck on the word, his shoulders relaxing, he started clicking his fingers and muttering.

"Affection?" Logan laughed, Virgil nodded. Logan clicked his tongue and started getting up, reaching for his glasses, grumbling about something.

"Pizza?" Logan nodded, getting up. Stretching his arms before making his way to the door, stumbling at one point (no glasses).

Virgil kinda just laid there, sleep being too much that his mind wouldn't let him rest and thoughts from the previous nights.

2 days ago:

Virgil awoke with the sudden jolt of the bed and crying. The crying turning to hysterics and muffed screaming.

For a second, he laid on the bed, wondering what could of happened. But as his brain finally started to work, he realised the sobbing was coming from his husband.

Virgil lazily sat up and put his arms around Logan, one on his shoulder and the other around his waist. Logan didn't move in the slightest, he just stared blankly at the wall In front of him, sobbing profusely.

"What.. happened lo?" Virgil mumbled, trying to get a hold of Logan's shaking hands, failing due to Logan hugging himself tightly. Logan didn't respond to him, his Pupils dilated and full of fear. "Logan? Logan!" Virgil got a little more worried, shifting up slightly, trying to get Logan to face him, again, failing this time due to his wing brace. "Shit, lo. One sec." He sat all the way up. Unzipping the brace, taking a large breath when it was finally off.

Virgil pulled the covers off both of them, he sat in front of Logan, moving his forehead to touch his fiancés. He held Logan's head in place, gently. He quickly stretched his wings and wrapped them around them both, creating a small cocoon around them. "Lo, please say something, anything. Make a sound please." Virgil pleaded, now taking hold of Logan's hands.

Logan's eyes dilated and his breathing slowed, almost like he was waking up for a second time. He gripped Virgil's hand and started focusing on trying to speak. His lips trembling and throat closing up.

"Ni-nightmares, again... m'kay." Logan smiled, looking at Virgil, then back at the bed. "I'm okay." Virgil's heart tilted, he could feel the blood drain from his body.

"Logan I-" Virgil mouthed the words he wanted to say, he pulled Logan's hand to his lips (basically Virgil was speaking into Logan's hand, it's cute).
"I know this isn't the first time you've had these nightmares, I know you've tried to hide them from me. I want to help you. A wise man once told me 'every problem has a solution." Virgil spoke, pointing at Logan's chest. Logan smiles softly. (Logan was one the one who said that. )

"Okay, I can make my nightmares come into reality. Its dangerous but, I'm sure you can handle it." Logan explained calmly, standing up and reaching for Virgil.

Virgill happily reached and grasped his hand.



this probably made no sense what so ever since its part of the ending for 'A strive for power' and thats not even out yet lmao.

i hope you enjoyed it?

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