Medusa (69)

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"You... your not stone...." Virgil stated in shock, his snake riddled hair lying flat on his head for once. Normally anyone who looked into his eyes would immediately be turned to stone and would die.
"Are you even human?"
But for some odd reason, an odd man stood in front of him, gazing directly at his black eyes.

The man was 'normal' looking. Good structure, brown combed over hair. A black shirt and belt. Cream trousers, brown shoes and a blue tie. A completely normal man. Normal, other then the fact his eyes were clouded and you couldn't tell what his eye colour was.

"I am human, You are Virgil right? 'The man with snakes for hair who turns all to stone?' " The man said with a slight hint of joy in his tone. He pulled out a small note book and pen, gently feeling his pockets and then the note book and pen with skill and care. He clicked the pen and looked back up at Virgil.

"U-uh. Yes? Sorry I'm just... why aren't you stone? You've looked at my eyes, so you should be stone and dead." Virgil questioned. Moving his 'hair' out of his face, but he did really have  hair, he had layers of long dark purple snakes.

The man chuckled lightly. He put away his note Pad. "Yes, My name is Logan Berry, I do journalism but I much prefer learning about plants. And you can't turn me to stone because I am blind. "He smiled. Adjusting his collar. "If you are virgil, I would like to talk to you."

Virgil nodded and then realised how stupid that was. "Yeah, sure. Just..." he looked around. "Sit down here... its only stone." Virgil sat down and Logan shortly followed.  "Do you have questions or?..."

"Yes, quite a few actually. First off, how old are you?" Logan placed his pen onto his paper.


"Hair colour and type?"


"Oh right sorry, you don't have hair. What colour and length are they?" Logan corrected himself.

Oh... "Purple and... a bitlonged then shoulder length."

"How long have you been living here?"

"Uhhh... about 8 years..."

"Does anyone ever come by?"

"No, your the first one in 8 years." He chuckled out of embarrassment.

"I'm honoured to be the first one."

This questioning went on for quite a while, which ended up on the both discussing different topics.

"Yea! I've been fascinated with space since I was little. I wanted to be an astrologer like my parents. I was obsessed with stars when I was younger, I'd even force my mother to watch the stars at night." He laughed at the last part.

"You weren't born blind?" Virgil questioned, moving closer to logan.

He shook his head. "No, I saw something I shouldn't have , and was cursed because of it." He said softly and started to get back up. "I should be on my way though, I need to walk my dogs." Smiling.

"Right! Yea." Virgil stood up. More questions filling his mind. "Have a good night."

"Thank you, you too." Logan turned around, slowly walking away.

"Hey logan."

Logan turned around, humming a response.

"Come back soon"

Logan smiled.

"I will."


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