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the red haired boy cocked an eyebrow, which he happened to have a piercing, and said, "you don't even know me."

calum shrugged and smiled reassuringly. "i just thought i'd be nice and offer you a ride. i'm not going to kidnapped you or anything."

the boy thought a moment. the kid in the car was very attractive and he recognized him from a few plays the school had done.

what could go wrong?

"sure, why not?" the boy opened the doir and got it. "i'm michael."

calum smiled. "my name's calum. so where's your place?"

"oh shit," michael cursed quietly.

"that's a weird name for a street," calum chuckled as he pulled out off the side of the road.

"no, i'm sorry it's just that," michael paused, trying to think of a lie, "my mom thinks i'm at work, but doesn't know that i got fired last week." great lie michael.

calum laughed and michael noticed that his eyes crinkled on the sides and he looked rather adorable.

"well, if you'd like, we can hang out at my place until you can go home," he quickly glanced at michael before looking back at the road again.

"okay, let me get this straight. you're willing to take someone to your house to hang out when you only know their name?"

"yeah, what's so wrong with that?" he turned into his neighborhood and waved at ms. jenkins, who was walking her dog.

"well, seeing as we're already in your neighborhood, let's hang out at your place," michael shrugged and then his eyes widened at the sight of calum's house.

it wasn't extremely impressive. it was a simple two story cottage with a nice front yard. it's just that it had been a while since michael had seen such nice houses compared to his dirty apartment building in the poorer side of town.

"come one in," calum turned off the ignition and both boys got out if the car and walked up to the front door. michael looked around the street and hitched his backpack a little higher on his shoulder while calum swiftly unlocked the door.

"casa dulce casa," calum sighed as he let michael in first and then himself. "you hungry? thirsty?"

"um yeah sure," michael followed calum to the kitchen and dropped his backpack next to calum's.

calum got some things out of the fridge and pantry to make sandwiches and he told michael he could sit on the bar stools if he'd like.

"so michael, two things: how do you like your sandwich and tell me about yourself?" calum put some water in a cup and handed it to michael with a smile.

"i don't have a preference of sandwich," he chuckled lightly. "what would you like to know?"

"everything. last name, age, hobbies, anything really," calum started on the two sandwiches and glanced up every once in a while to look at michael.

"clifford, 19, playing guitar, and i'm gay," michael said after a moment to think.

calum looked up and quirked and eyebrow at him. "what's it like?"

"what's what like?" michael asked, confusion etched into his face.

"being gay," calum shrugged and handed michael his sandwich.

"it's the same thing as being straight except you like the things guys have in between their legs and not the things girls have on their chest," michael said as he took a smile bite of his sandwich.

calum nodded and they ate in silence and when they both finished, calum took their plates and set them in the sink.

"come on, let's go up to my room," he picked up both of their backpacks and walked up to his room, michael trailing behind him.

when they got to the room, calum laid down on his bed and patted the spot next to him, signaling michael should lay with his as well.

once michael laid down, calum looked at him and said, "when did you know you were gay?"

michael had to think back a little. he kind of always knew, but didn't really think about it until a while ago.

"when i was around 17. this guy started hitting on me and i flirted back because i really like it, so i guess that's kinda how it hit me. why?"

"how do i say this? um okay well, i guess i've been kind of confused lately and i don't know what i want or what i am," calum glanced up from his fingers and looked michael in the eyes. they were a gorgeous green color. the kind that made calum's mind go crazy.

he suddenly glanced down to his lips. they were a light pink color and they looked soft and plump. he really wanted to kiss them.

"but i do know right now that i really wanna kiss you," calum said softly, looking michael in the eyes again.

"then do it," michael whispered, "nothing's stopping you."

calum then crashed his lips onto michael and oh my god it just felt so nice. michael grabbed the back of calum's neck and pulled their bodies closer together. calum moaned slightly at the contact and the sound was like music to michael's ears.

michael straddled him and he felt calum warm hands grab onto his hips and slightly go under his shirt, rubbing light circles onto his hip bones. michael broke apart the kiss just enough so he could take off his shirt and throw it on the floor. calum saw tattoos on his arms and a few on his ribs. and god, they were really hot.

"are you sure you want this?"

"yes. i'm sure."


"well, that escalated quickly," michael turned on his side, watching as calum turned on his side as well.

"that was my first time doing anything sexual with anyone," calum said quietly, pushing some hair off of michael's forehead.

"i'm sorry that you had to had to do it with a guy you barely know and has red hair," michael smiled and pulled calum into his chest.

"no, it was... it was perfect. thank you," calum buried his face into michael chest.
"you're welcome calum," michael kissed the top of his head and they both drifted off into a blissful sleep.


my homies.


okay you know who sucks?


im funny

okay i love you guys bye


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