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when calum woke up, he was cuddled into someone and his face was in their neck. they were messing with calum's hair and humming softly.

calum looked up slightly and saw that it was michael. "how long was i out for?" his voice thick with sleep.

"a few hours. it's only 9:30. you can eat and then go back to bed, alright?" michael said and kissed the top of calum's head.

they both climbed out bed and walked to the kitchen, where the soup was heating on the stove. calum took a seat at the small table by the kitchen and watches as michael served the bowls of soup.

michael handed a bowl to calum and sat next to him. they ate in a comfortable silence until calum spoke up.

"when i make the doctor's appointment, will you come with me?" he fiddled with the place mat on the table and his cheeks blushed a bright red.

"of course," michael chuckled, "i wouldn't miss it for the world."

calum looked up at him and smiled. "what do you want, boy or girl?"

"i don't mind, but i kinda want a boy," michael smiled and blushed slightly.

"me too. but you know what sucks?" calum said.

"what?" michael said, slightly amused.

"there's a slim to none chance that the baby will have your eyes because brown is the dominant gene and i really want him or her to have your eyes," calum pouted as michael laughed slightly.

"well, i know that i want them to have your cheeks," michael caressed calum's face softly.

calum blushed and replied, "and your nose."

"and your laugh," michael said lovingly.

"my laugh is annoying," calum said, scrunching up his nose.

"your laugh is adorable okay. your argument is invalid," michael pecked his cheek and stood up, pulling calum up with him.

calum rolled his eyes as they walked back to michael's room. they laid down and cuddled, as they argued about calum's laugh. calum gave up and just let michael win.

after a few minutes of silence, calum said, "we need a baby names book. and to make the doctor's appointment."

"tomorrow, alright? right now let's just agree that this baby will be the cutest fucking baby on this planet," michael said, kissing the top of calum's head with a sense of finality.

calum laughed and nodded, feeling safer than he had in a long time.


short and sweet sorry homies

my brother's birthday is today so i don't have time to write a longer chapter but here is a chapter to quench your malum mpreg feels.

i love you.


baby on board - book oneHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin