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it was four days after michael's graduation, three days before spencer was supposed to be born, and calum was in absolute hell.

his back was hurting a lot and spencer was really active recently, as if he knew he'd be out soon.

but today was really bad. calum felt lots of pain in his abdomen and he honestly couldn't take it anymore.

"hey babe, you have our bags for the hospital packed already, right?" he asked michael with his face scrunched up slighty in pain.

"yeah, baby, why?" michael walked over to calum and kneeled in front of him.

"i think spencer really wants out now," he groaned slightly when the baby kicked especially hard.

michael's eyes widened and he immediately began rushing to grab their bags and calling the clinic to tell them what was happening. meanwhile, calum was still struggling to put on his shoes.

"we'll be there soon," michael hung up and then helped calum with his shoes and helped him up.

calum waddled to the car, michael walking next to him with their bags.

michael quickly put the bags in the back and helped calum in car, buckling his seat belt and kissing all over his face before quickly getting into the car.

they got to the emergency center of the clinic in record time. michael sped so much, that even he was surprised that he didn't get pulled over.

they got out of the car, taking their time but at the same time trying to be quick, and maya was at the desk when they walked in. when michael had called, he had requested she be at the desk when they got there.

she walked up with a wheelchair and helped calum in it. she wheeled him into the elevator, michael right behind them, calling his mums to tell them what was happening.

calum tugged on michael's shirt, "call ashton and luke and then call alex and jack."

michael nodded and once his mum picked up, he told her what was happening and quickly said the address to the clinic. he made sure to do the same with luke and jack.

once they got in the room, maya handed calum a hospital gown and told him to put it on and that she'd be right back. michael helped him into the gown and helped him lay down on the bed.

michael pulled up a chair and put it next to the bed. he sat down and pushed some of the hair off of calum's forehead. "you're still as beautiful as the day i met you."

calum smiled and reached for michael's hand, giving it a small squeeze.

maya walked back in with another woman, who looked about forty to forty-five, and they both smiled.

"okay, this is dr. reed and she's the anesthesiologist. we're going to inject the anesthetic in small doses every twenty minutes at the small of your back. hopefully, by the time the c-section will happen, you won't be able to feel from the abdomen down," maya explained as dr. reed set up a needle with a clear liquid.

"okay, honey, lean forward for me and if your lovely boyfriend could help hold the gown up that would be great," dr. reed said in a soothing voice.

both boys followed the instructions as dr. reed injected the needle into calum's back. she wiped the small dot of blood off and then said he could lean back now.

she said she'd be back in twenty minutes and maya said she had other patients to attend to, but she'd be here for when it's time for the c-section.

right when they left, seven people barged in the room at the same time. first was genevieve, then karen and charlie, then luke and ashton, and finally alex and jack.

"oh calum," karen squealed and ran up to the bed. "this is so exciting! he's going to be here so soon!"

calum smiled and nodded. "i'm a little nervous but i'm excited."

"you guys are going be amazing parents," jack spoke up from where he was hugging alex from behind. "i'm so sure of it."

the group went on talking, dr. reed walking in every once in a while to inject the anesthetic.

on the last dose she injected, calum couldn't feel body from his belly down.

a few minutes after she injected the last dose and wished calum and michael good luck, dr. jenkins walked in with a surgical mask around her neck.

"well i didn't expect you guys to come in for another few days, but i'm happy to see you! are you ready to be wheeled into the operating room?" she patted calum's leg.

calum and michael exchanged a nervous smile and nodded. a few nurses and maya walked in and they started to wheel out calum's bed. they handed michael a pair of scrubs to change into so he could be with calum during the surgery. the rest of the family was asked to wait outside.

once michael was changed and everyone was in the room, they draped a blue curtain in front of calum's big belly and michael sat right next to calum's head, squeezing his hand.

"alright, calum, do you feel this?" dr. jenkin's called.

"feel what?"

"alright, team. he's ready. time to have a baby!"


one hour later, calum sat in his hospital room, a bathed and clean newborn baby boy, wrapped in a blue blanket and a white beanie on his head, was sitting in his arms. michael was sitting on the bed next to him, an arm around calum's shoulder.

calum had silent tears streaming down his cheeks as he smiled down at his son, the human that he had been carrying around for nine months.

"can i hold him?" michael spoke up quietly, not wanting to break the silence.

calum nodded and carefully gave spencer to michael, making sure his arms and hands were in the right place.

michael peered down at the beautiful baby in his arms. spencer yawned and opened his big green eyes again, making michael smile.

calum wiped his eyes and watched in awe and in extreme happiness. his boyfriend and their son was here with him right now.

that was all that mattered.


i'm crying bc that was the last chapter and this book is like my child. ugh it's too early in the morning for this.

qotd: what time is it for you right now?

aotd: it is currently 6:39 am and i have no clue why i am up so early.

i love you a whole frickin lot.


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