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"i- um, d-dad, why are you home so early?" calum checked his watch. six hours early.

"i wanted to leave early so i could spend time with you, but those pregnancy tests just ruined my plans," mr. hood fumed. "why the hell do you have those? who did you get pregnant?"

calum froze. not only did he have to tell his dad that he was the one pregnant, but that also gave away the fact that his only son was gay.

"answer me!" mr. hood came further into the kitchen, a few feet from calum.

"i didn't get anyone pregnant," calum sighed, frustrated.

"then why do you have-"

"i'm pregnant!" calum yelled slightly.

mr. hood looked like he was just slapped in the face. "excuse me? but you're not gay."

"well, guess what? i am. i bet you didn't know that because of how 'busy' you are. i bet you didn't know that you missed my theatre competition. you know, the one worth half of my grade. honestly, i didn't expect you to pay attention to important things like that, let alone the child growing inside of me," calum's ears turned red with anger. he was so mad and everything his dad was missing out on just fueled the fire.

"get out."

now it was calum's turn to look like he was slapped in the face. "w-what?"

"you heard me. leave. no son of mine will be gay, let alone pregnant. you have one hour to pack up your shit and get off of my property," mr. hood said, his eyes blazing, and turned around, walking into his study.

calum let out a strangled sob and ran upstairs into his room. he called michael first, praying he would answer.


"michael," calum cried. "please, help me."

"calum, what's wrong baby?"

"my dad's kicking me out. i have an hour to leave and i don't know what to do and please, i need your help," calum wiped at the tears streaming down his face, but they kept coming.

"calum, baby, breathe. i'll be there in 20 minutes. start packing most of your clothes and your important things, alright? i'll be there," michael assured him before hanging up.

calum set down his phone and took out the suitcase from his closet, packing as much of his clothes in there as possible. he grabbed a duffel bag and put his things like socks and underwear, along with his laptop, chargers, and headphones. he heard his phone ring and saw that it was michael calling him.

"i'm here baby, just come on out," michael spoke softly into the phone.

calum sniffled and mumbled an 'okay' before hanging up and stuffing his phone in his back pocket. he took a long look around his room before wiping his eyes and going downstairs.

once he was downstairs, he grabbed his keys from the key hanger and looked around as well.

this was the house he grew up in. so many memories were made in this house. it was his mother's house. her soul lived in this house and now he was being forced out of it. all because of one homophobic rude man called his father.

calum walked out of the house seeing michael leaning against calum's car.

michael engulfed calum into his arms for a solid minute before taking his bags and putting them in the trunk.

"come on, babe. i'll drive," michael said, taking calum's keys.

"you're going to live with me okay?" michael grabbed calum's hand once they were in the car and had driven out of the driveway.

"did you talk to your mom first?" calum asked quietly as he played with michael's fingers.

"i live alone," michael rubbed circles into calum's hand.

"but i thought you said the day i met you-"

"i just didn't want you seeing where i live," michael's cheeks turning rosy, "but it's where we live now so you're going to have to get used to it."

calum blushed slightly at the thought and looked down at his stomach. it was going to take a while for it to show, but he couldn't help but feel somewhat proud of this moment. moving in with michael, his child's father, even after how rude they were to each other. he knew that they were going to go far in each other's lives.

after 30 minutes or so, they arrived at an old apartment building. they got of the car and both grabbed calum's bags. michael intertwined their fingers and they took the elevator to the 6th floor. michael let go of calum's hand and unlocked the door to apartment 6f.

they walked in and left calum's bag in michael's room. "we'll set up your room after we eat alright?" michael asked and pulled calum into his arms.

"i'm actually kinda tired," calum rubbed his eyes tiredly. he was tired of the throwing up this morning and tired of crying and just tired of moving. he needed sleep.

"here, take my bed for now and sleep, okay? i'll heat up some soup for you when you wake up," michael lead calum to his room and pecked his cheek before shutting the door.

calum sighed and shed into just his boxers and his tshirt before climbing into michael's warm bed. it even smelled like michael.

calum lied there for a few minutes, trying to think of what his life might end up like now.

eventually, all that thinking lulled him into a dreamless sleep.


well that was shit.

but anyways, thoughts on the chapter? i really love reading comments so comment if you wanna

okay i love you guys


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