Sing Me A Song

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Hey guys! How's it going? Hopefully good. 

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and thank you so much for the votes. It warms my heart! 

FYI, I changed the beverage last chapter to coffee instead of tea. I literally found out that Alastor doesn't like coffee. So yeah, there's that lol.


"I've never had this before." Charlie informs everyone, poking her fork at the biscuit.

Irene smiles at her as she sets down the leftover biscuits on the table. "It's a classic."

Charlie cuts it and stabs it with a fork, "Is it really as good as you guys say?" she asks.

"Almost all Americans have eaten this hearty breakfast!" Alastor announces with a laugh.

"I've heard about it." Vaggie comments, eating her own with a small smile.

Irene nods and takes a seat across from Alastor and the one next to Charlie, "Is it good?" Irene asks Vaggie, being the first to eat it.

She nods, her hair bobbing with her head. "It's pretty good."

Irene smirks and grabs her own fork, proceeding to point it at Angel, "I told you, you wouldn't mess up."

He scowls and swipes up his own fork, devouring a large chunk of the biscuit. "I did my best."

Irene giggles at his behavior and she tastes it herself, "The gravy turned out great! Good job!" she praises with a hum in delight.

He avoids everyone's gaze, focusing on the food. Charlie glances at all of them and decides to finally try her own. A blush settles on her cheek as she eats it, her lips curve upward after she was done. "This is so good, Ire!" 

"Happy I've satisfied everyone with my cooking." 

Everyone eats in silence, enjoying the meal and she takes a sip of her coffee. She glances at everyone with a lingering smile; the scene feeling all too familiar and warm. She sets her head on her hand, her elbow on the table as she spaces out. This reminds of her and Maribel, their friends as well, eating meals together and chatting about everyday life. She misses the sun a good deal, she loved the light so much. 

During her daze, she didn't notice the underlying look Alastor was giving her. His smile and eyes widening a considerable amount, that the emotion is undetectable. Her eyes somehow catch sight of the motion and before she knows it, they are having a staring contest. Searching. Searching for something? What is it? Their gaze so curious, it almost made her want to die; he made her want to die. With what though?...

Vaggie's voice cuts through the stare like a knife and her heart jumped to her throat in surprise. "Ire, I've been wondering, if you've come up with a plan on how to start the fundraiser?"

Irene shakes her head a little, her brain feeling bit scrambled. "What?" she asks.

"The fundraiser. How do we start it? When?" Vaggie explains again.

Taking another bite of her food before it grows cold, she thinks silently to herself. How to start a fundraiser for a hotel that rehabilitates sinners...this will be difficult. She taps a finger to her chin thought, "Hmm, perhaps, I will call my old agents. I'm sure they could help us out. After that, place posters all over town. All that's all I got for now."

Vaggie nods, "Sounds like a good start." 

"What will you be singing?" Nifty asks from her spot, gravy all over her mouth.

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