Old Colleagues

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This is my favorite Alastor fanart, it's even the background on my phone lol. Enjoy this chapter y'all! I'll post again when my finals are all over!

Thanks for reading and the votes. I appreciate it! :)


She starts her car that sat outside the hotel as Alastor sits in the passenger seat. She casts him a side glance, not happy he was tagging along. Letting out a sigh, she starts to drive to where Ryder works, it is on the other side of town.

The silence between them is tangible, to say the least. The radio starts to play randomly, sounding specifically like the old tube. She hears Alastor's humming come through the static on the radio as a piano performs in the background. He wasn't moving though as if the simple action wasn't that hard. His shit-eating grin never ceased as he watches buildings pass by. He seems too happy to be here.

She grips the steering wheel with irritation, "Did you have to tag along?" she asks, her voice filled with slight anger.

"I am just ensuring that this deal ends in good terms!" he protests, his face screaming lies and humor.

She narrows her eyes at the road, "Uh-huh. I know you have another motive." 

"Dearie, if I did, then I wouldn't say!" he points out with a chuckle.

She takes her eyes off the road and sends him a glare, "I'm going to kill you."

He laughs loudly, holding his stomach in response, "O-Oh?~ That'd be fun to watch!" he cackles as his eyes glow red faintly.

Letting out a low growl, her demon features become more prominent. "You wouldn't be the first I've killed!" she shrieks.

He laughs some more and decides to loop an arm around her shoulder, bringing her closer to his body and a low snarl erupts past her lips. "I wonder how many you've butchered since being here!~" he sing songs and pokes her cheek with an amused smirk.

She tries to push him away but he doesn't relinquish his grip. Attempting to pay attention to the road, she scoffs at him and tries to calm herself down. "I was never a killer, but you kind of have to be down here. It's every demon for themself." she mutters darkly.

He hums in return, almost in agreement. "You don't seem like the killer type." 

"Yes, well, people are never how they appear." 

He let's go of her finally, his grin stretching, "I've never heard anything truer.~" he agrees with an intense look at her. 

It gives her a feeling that makes her uncomfortable as if he knew something she didn't. She gulps involuntarily and brushes her hair behind her ear nervously. She notices that they are not far from Ryder's business building. Turning the corner, she pulls over onto the side of the street. 

"We're here." she announces and unbuckles her seatbelt.

He simply opens the door at his side and steps out. She grabs the keys out of the ignition and was about to open the door when Alastor decides to do so for her. She climbs out of the car and he shuts the door behind her. 

"Are you trying to get back on my good side?" she asks with a slight glare.

"Was I before?" 

She chuckles and adjusts her pink coat, "Nope.~"

He smirks as he follows her toward the front doors to the huge building. "How long did you work here?" he asks eventually. 

She shrugs with a thoughtful look, "Twenty years or so?" she ponders out loud.

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