Miss Me With That Swing

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Hello guys! Happy belated Thanksgiving/Holidays! 

So, I have some news about Irene. I am having her commissioned because why not? Lol. There is some minor adjustments to her character's appearance which I will change in the earlier chapters. It just has to do with her species of demon. I'm giving her cute fox ears, but she'll probably be a mix of fox and bird. Mostly bird though. The ears looked so cute on her LOL.

Anyways, besides that, I know some of you were confused by the last chapter. Alastor's 'love' toward Irene is incredibly twisted, twisted to the point of I don't know if I want to call it love. I consider Alastor a sociopath, and sociopaths don't really love. They pretend to love someone for gain. However, I will not spoil it all right here so I guess you'll have to stick around to see how Alastor 'loves' Irene. 

Thanks for reading, guys!


Irene walks out of the music room again with a face full of pure exhaustion and irritation. It's never been this difficult to think of a song before! She grabs fistfuls of her hair in frustration, wanting to punch something to get her anger out. This whole fundraiser thing is a pain her actual ass. Letting out a low growl, she heads toward the front doors and walks out of the hotel for a breather. 

She needs to work out this creative block soon. If she has to, she'll need to use one of her old songs for the audience. After cooling down for a moment outside, she travels back in with resolved thoughts. Hopefully, she can gather a single amount of creative brain juice. She finds Husk at the bar as per usual, drinking some liquor. Maybe a shot wouldn't hurt.

She strolls up the bar and Husk watches her with slight interest. 

"What do you want?" he asks.

She frowns slightly and lifts herself onto a bar stool, "Does anything nice ever come out of that mouth of yours?" 

He scowls at her and slams his bottle of whiskey down, "Fuck you too."

She snickers and points to the bottle, "Mind giving me a shot?"

He lets out a string of curses and does as she asks. He sets the shot glass on the countertop, "I never took you the type to drink your problems away."

She huffs and shrugs, taking the shot glass and swirls the contents in it. "Never judge a woman based on how she looks. But I do not usually drink." 

"Then why do so now?"

She lifts the shot glass up to her lips and dumps it into her mouth. She makes a disgusted look, not enjoying the burning pain that flows down her throat to her stomach. Letting out a gagging sound, she sets the glass back on the counter, "I hope this makes my creative neurons flow."

He snorts a little and pours her glass again, "Then you're gonna need more than that."

"I better not drink more, hun."

He shrugs and pours himself a glass shot, "I'll challenge you."

Her brow raises in surprise, "You want me to get drunk with you essentially?" 

"I don't get drunk.

She giggles at that and shakes her head, "Then what's the point in doing the challenge with me?"

"I'll relay any creative feedback I get out of you." 

She picks up the glass again, eyeing it warily, "Creative feedback you say. I better not as nice as it sounds." 

He shrugs and takes the glass out of her grip, "Your loss." 

She smiles slightly and hops out of the seat, "Don't get lost in the booze."

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