A Fun Weekend

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It was the period before lunch and Mal was just staring out the window thinking about what she wanted to do. Then the bell rang making her come out of her thought.

"Hey Mal big moment about to happen?" Evie wondered when they met up in the hallway.

"I don't know." Mal replied shrugging.

"What do you mean you don't know? Aren't you gonna tell Ben how you feel?" Evie checked.

"Yeah I want to, but I think I like the new guy. So I don't think I should tell Ben yet. Plus he really seems to be into Eliza." Mal explained.

"Mal, you've known Ben for so long and you've had a crush on him for a while. And you just met this Aaron guy." Evie was telling her.

"Yeah you're right, but I think I like Aaron." Mal said.

"Maybe you should spend more time with Aaron. Maybe over the weekend. Then you'll be able to tell whether you like him more or less than Ben." Evie suggested.

"Maybe." Mal shrugged a little. "Come on I'm hungry." 

The two walked into the cafeteria and got in line. Mal looked over and saw Ben sitting at their normal table. Then she noticed Eliza was sitting in her spot across from Ben. After they got their food they went to sit with Ben and Eliza. 

"Hey guys." Mal greeted them as she sat next to Eliza.

"Hey." Eliza smiled.

"So guys me and Eliza were thinking maybe we could all do something this weekend. You, me, Eliza, Evie, Doug, and Aaron if you want." Ben suggested.

"Um... Yeah we can. You think Aaron would want to?" Mal replied asking.

"I can text him." Eliza stated, then took her phone out.

A few seconds later Aaron walked up to their table. "Hey guys."

Mal looked over and him and started smiling. "Hey Aaron."

"Hey so bro we were thinking of all doing something this weekend. You want to join?" Eliza asked him.

"I mean I don't have like any friends. So sure why not?" Aaron answered.

"Cool." Eliza said.

"Hey Aaron before you go. You want to sit with us instead?" Mal offered.

Aaron looked at all of them confused. Eliza just shrugged. "Uh yeah sure." Then he walked to get his things and came back and sat next to Mal.

Mal looked over at him smiling. Ben was looking at her trying to hide his jealousy. 

"So what are we doing and where are we going?" Ben asked.

"Well we could go to that amusement park. It's still open." Eliza suggested. 

"Fine with me." Aaron stated.

"Yeah me too." Mal agreed.

"Then it's settled I'll make sure I tell Doug." Evie said.

"Yeah where is he by the way?" Mal questioned.

"He has family stuff going on." Evie answered.

After lunch Mal and Evie were walking together, then Mal bumped into Harry.

"Harry hi." Mal said when she looked up and saw him.

"Hey guys." Harry responded.

"Hey Harry we heard about you and Ben. I'm really sorry." Evie told him.

"Thanks. Yeah I think we're better off as friends for now." Harry stated.

"Yeah I get that." Evie was nodding.

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