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"Eliza, you were really great out there." Harry told her trying to blush.

"Thanks Harry. You were great too." Eliza replied back smiling.

On the other side Ben was watching them. Then Mal walked up to him.

"Hey, you okay?" She checked.

Ben turned around to her. "Mhm? Oh yeah I'm good."

"Well come on. We should get ready." Mal held out her hand for him to take.

(Time skip)

Ben and Mal were standing in the center of the stage looking at their clothes. With a green screen that had Big Momma's on it behind them.

"What is this?" Mal asked looking at her bathing suit. "How did we get back here?"

"It's exactly where we're supposed to be." Ben answered.

"The movie's back on track." Mal stated.

"Yeah." Ben nodded.

"We can leave." Mal said.

Ben was looking at her kind of disappointed.

"There they are! You did it!" Harry yelled as they all ran out with Eliza and him in front holding hands.

"Of course! Cause girls can do anything boys can do." Eliza replied.

They all ran up with Eliza and Harry standing in between Ben and Mal.

"We gotta get back home." Ben told them looking at Eliza.

"What?" Eliza questioned looking over at Mal. "No, stay. You'll love it here." She looked back over at Ben. "It's always just like this. Perfect."

"Perfect." Harry said taking Mal's hands.

Mal was smiling. "Where we're going, it's perfect, too." She looked over at Ben. "I'm gonna make sure of it."

Ben smiled back at her.

"Hey." Aaron walked up to them through the crowd of Surfers and Bikers. "You guys saved Big Momma's, and for that we are, to you, gratefully grateful."

"Ever since you guys got here, it's been like... It's been a different world." Eliza was saying and looking back and fourth between Ben and Mal.

"It's not just because of us." Mal responded.

"Oh." Eliza said, then took her necklace off. Then walked over and put it on Mal.

Mal grabbed the necklace. "Friendship forever." She stated as her eyes got watery.

"Forever." Eliza repeated as her eyes got watery too.

"Yeah." Mal nodded, then pulled Eliza in for a hug.

Doug walked over carrying their surfboard and gave it to Ben.

"Come here." Harry said pulling Mal into his arm. "Cowabunga." He said and they both laughed a little.

"You sure you're ready?" Ben leaned over and asked her.

"Yeah." Mal said smiling at all of them.

They interlocked their hands. Harry walked over and put his arm around Eliza.

"Let's go." Ben said.

"Yeah." Mal replied and the green screen turned into the ocean.

They all waved to each other.

"Surf's up!" Doug yelled and they all ran to the other side of the stage.

After that they ran off stage. And it was just Ben and Mal. They were pretending to be surfing on the wave like before.

More Than Friends (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now