Double Date

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"Oh man it's finally Friday!" Eliza exclaimed with a big sigh.

"Yeah I know." Ben agreed smiling at her.

"So what should we do this weekend?" Eliza looked up at him wondering

"I don't maybe we can go out to eat and maybe see a movie?" Ben suggested.

"Yeah that works. Hey I got an idea! Why don't we invite Mal and Aaron to go with us?" Eliza said.

"Uh..." Ben was saying.

"Come on it'll be fun. I'll ask Aaron." Eliza was trying to convince Ben.

"Okay fine if they both agree." Ben stated and kept walking.

"A double date?" Aaron questioned as him and Eliza walked into their house.

"Yeah I mean it'll be like your first real date with Mal." Eliza explained.

"Right... How long have you and Ben been dating again?" Aaron asked.

"A couple weeks now. Why?" Eliza answered wondering.

"Never mind, but I don't know." Aaron replied.

"What do you mean? You like Mal don't you?" Eliza checked.

"Well obviously." Aaron stated.

"Then why not go on this double date? Me and Ben will be there in case you get nervous." Eliza was saying. "So what do you say?"

"Okay. I'll ask Mal." Aaron gave in as Eliza smiled.

"Oh god." Mal said looking at her phone.

"What?" Evie asked from Mal's bed.

"Aaron just texted me and asked if I want to go on a double date." Mal explained.

"A double date with who?" Evie questioned.

"I don't know. Hold on I'll ask." Mal responded and texted Aaron back.

A few seconds later her phone went off with a text from Aaron.

"No!" Mal yelled as she was looking at the phone.

"What?! What's wrong?!" Evie asked as she shot up from the bed.

"He said the double date is with Ben and Eliza." Mal told her.

"Oh..." Evie said slowly laying back down.

"What am I supposed to do? It's hard enough seeing them together at school. Now I have to go on a double date with them?" Mal was questioning.

"I mean you could just say no." Evie suggested.

"Yeah, but I asked with who. So he's gonna know it's because of them if I say it now." Mal explained.

"Well then I guess you gotta go and try to ignore the fact that they're together I guess." Evie said.

"Okay whatever. I'll tell him yes." Mal replied as she texted Aaron back.

A couple hours later there was a knock at Mal's door. She ran downstairs opened it and saw it was Ben.

"Oh hey Ben. What are you doing here?" Mal asked giving him a weird look.

"Hey Mal. Eliza thought it would be easier for us to drive over together and meet them at the restaurant." Ben told her.

"Uh yeah sure. Just let me get more stuff." Mal responded and got her wallet and phone. "Okay I'm ready to go." 

They got in Ben's car and the car ride was mostly silent, besides the radio that was playing. They pulled up to the restaurant and Aaron and Eliza were standing inside waiting.

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