Some Advice

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(That same night)

"It's about time you guys got here." Harry said as Ben and Mal walked into Harry's house.

"Ha ha." Ben laughed a little.

Then Mal walked away to find the others.

Ben walked over to the couch after getting a drink and sat down watching everyone else.

Eliza walked up and sat beside him. "Ben? You okay? You look a little upset about something." 

"What? Oh hey Eliza. Uh... I'm not really doing so good." Ben replied.

"What's wrong?" Eliza asked and Ben gave her a look. "Ben, you can tell me."

"Okay." Ben sighed. "But I need you to keep this between us." 

"I promise." Eliza said.

"Okay. I got an offer from a college..." Ben was saying.

"Ben! That's great! So what's the problem?" Eliza wondered.

"The problem is I told Mal about it. And I told her they're giving me a month to decide, but they're actually only giving me a week to decide." Ben explained.

"Ben. I think you should be honest with Mal. And if she doesn't agree with you, then I don't know what to tell you." Eliza told him. "You should tell her the truth though."

"Thanks Eliza." Ben smiled at her.

"No problem." Eliza smiled.

Then they both hugged.

"Hey what's going on here? Everything good?" Harry walked up asking as Mal was behind him.

"Yeah. But Ben I do think you should consider it." Eliza turned to him and said before walking away with Harry.

"What is she talking about?" Mal walked up and questioned.

"Nothing." Ben smiled, then stood up and took Mal's hand. "Now come on let's go dance with the others."

While everyone was dancing and having fun Eliza walked over to Ben and Mal. 

"Hey Ben can I talk to you?" Eliza asked.

"Uh... Yeah sure. I'll be right back Mal." Ben said before following Eliza.

They walked into a empty bedroom. Eliza sat on the bed and Ben shut the door.

"So what's up?" Ben wondered.

"You know how I gave you some advice with Mal and college?" Eliza asked.

"Yeah what about them?" Ben replied asking.

"I need some advice myself." Eliza said.

"Sure. With what?" Ben leaned against the wall with his arms crossed.

"You were with Harry, right?" Eliza checked.

"Yeah. Why? Is something wrong?" Ben questioned.

"I'm not fully percent sure that he's over you." Eliza stated.

"What do you mean? Before he asked you out he found someone really quick after we broke up." Ben explained.

"Yeah, but he found someone real quick after. Meaning he was trying to get over you." Eliza responded.

"What makes you think he's not over me?" Ben wondered and walked over to sit next to Eliza.

"Well before you and Mal got here he kept asking where you were and when you were gonna get here." Eliza told him.

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