Act One (part 1)

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(A few weeks later)

It was now opening night. All the Bikers were getting ready for their entrance. 

"Surf Crazy", ended and all the Surfers were landing on the floor on their surfboards. 

"Crazzzyyy, right?!" Ben ran up to Mal saying in character. 

"I'll say." Mal replied with a sigh. 

All the Surfers got up and pretended to run into "Big Momma's." Ben took Mal's hand and ran behind them. 

"Aww that was awesome!" Ben yelled excited and they all turned back to them. "I mean insaaane." They gave them a weird look. "I mean what up dog?"

"Far out. He thinks we're animals." Carlos walked up and said.

"No it's an expression. It means.... You know what, he's right it does sound ridiculous." Mal was saying, then whispered to Ben.

"And where you cats from?" Carlos asked with his arms crossed. 

"So "cats" is okay, but "dogs" is weird." Mal whispered smiling at them.

Ben leaned back to whispered while smiling at them too. "Just follow my lead." 

"Is it leading us home?" Mal asked whispering still smiling.

"We're from... not far away." Ben said

At the same time Mal said "Far away." 

Then they switched and Ben said. "Far away." 

While Mal said. "Not far away."

"Right. Not far, but..." Ben was trying to say as he looked over at Mal.

"But, but far." Mal looked at him and stated. "A close far." Mal had a questionable look on her face.

"Hey, Rascal." Carlos said.

"Yeah, Seacat?" Doug came up from behind him.

"It seems to me that we've got some unwanted ho-dads..." Carlos was saying.

"Ho-dads!" Doug repeated making them all jump.

"That we need to put the kibosh..." Carlos was continuing.

"Kibosh!" Doug repeated again yelling.

"No, no, no, no, no. You've got it all wrong." Ben was assuring them. 

"We don't jelly..." Carlos was saying.

"Jelly!" Doug interrupted him.

"Roll to outsiders." Carlos finished.

Ben and Mal stood there looking scared as they all stared back at them.

Just then there was the sound of motorcycles from off stage. All the Surfers ran to hide. Ben looked back, then pulled Mal's hand to hide too.

"This is Big Momma's, the restaurant where the Surfers and Bikers all hang." Ben told Mal..

"Bikers? What Bikers?" Mal stuck her head out asking.

Ben smiled and pointed to the right and they both looked over as a Biker walked in.

Chad walked in and turned around to show the back of his jacket. He turned around and took out a comb and slicked his hair back.

"Each gang wants the other one gone so the others can have it for themselves." Ben stated and pointed to the left.

Evie walked in on the other side of the stage struck a pose. Then Jane came in after her and struck a pose next to Evie and popped her gum bubble. 

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