POV: Jessika

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I'm thirteen and I don't mean to brag but I'm gorgeous. I have very tan skin and wavy brown hair. Even when I wear no makeup I look like a model.I'm also tall and slim and an excellent student. I was originally an only child, mostly because my Mom divorced my Dad when I was four and ran off.I've grown up with my Dad until I was six and he remarried. My stepmom Christa is like a real mother and now I have two brothers, Ryan who is seven and Hunter who is five. My little sisters are Avery who is three and Becca who is one and a half. We are a close family and love each other very much. One thing about my best friend Hailey is that she's dating Bradley Johnson. I hardly believed it when she leaped off that bridge. I didn't sleep for a long time, and Daddy kept me calm. Hailey is now very hurt and looks strange. She had stitches, but now their removed and auburn curls are down to her ears. She is actually very pretty, too and wears makeup everyday,almost.I've always liked Bradley but wasn't ready for a steady boyfriend yet.I'm friends with Logan and Nate but they both have girlfriends, constantly.I'm honestly not ready for more than a friend. I walked to school with Hailey and Bradley today as usual. I can't believe Hailey is a big sister again.

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