Chapter 28

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The bell meant it was time for mourners to leave the graveyard. Ryraso waited a moment more to leave his own prayers before heading out of the maze before the priests caught him. They would likely escort him straight back to the palace and he wasn't ready for that yet. So he ducked out of the back entrance and walked down the roads to the main street. People would know he was out by now but it was unlikely anyone was going to frogmarch him anywhere.

A few people clapped his shoulder as he passed them. A few faces he knew, a few he didn't. The ones he knew murmured words of encouragement. It was nice, in a weird way. The streets were fairly busy now. Lights were strung up along the way, glowing blue on the safer district. The main road was a mix of upper and lower areas, with the bridges and ladders rather unchanged, unlike the palace. The ladders and bridges were decorated with ribbons and flowers, with shops still selling their wares. He paused by a bakery and looked at the sweets. His stomach rumbled as the smell of fried dough filled his nose  and a warm sense of nostalgia filled him. He patted himself down but he hadn't exactly ran off with any money on him. 

Ryraso flushed as he tried to remember the last time he'd actually had money. Most of the stuff on the warship had been items rather than coin. He certainly hadn't had any while at the palace. Disappointed, he continued on his way, only for the baker to catch up to him quickly and stuff some wares in his hands. "It'll only go to waste anyway," the young woman smiled at him with rosy cheeks.  Human, and looked young but then she had an earring on showing off that she was bonded to someone. The link messed up ages. 

"You're very kind," Ryraso smiled at her back. He wasn't sure he was supposed to accept these but he was very hungry and the smell of them was almost too good. "When I'm certified again, let me know if there is anything I can do to help."

"I will remember your offer," she said respectfully before dancing off back to her shop, mock yelling as some hatchling tried to pinch some wares. 

Popping one of the bite-size pieces in his mouth, delight warmed his heart at the taste. It was cold by now, long having cooled but delicious all the same. It had been far too long since he had eaten sweets. During the war, on the warship, the kitchens never had time to make such things and while the infantry and officers typically got to go shopping with what meagre pennies they had when they passed towns or cities, Ryraso had been typically too busy dealing with some idiot to go. Even at the meals at the palace, desserts tended to be fruits. The royals had to be seen eating healthy to promote good eating for their people. Ryraso smirked slightly. Luckily for him, he wasn't a royal just yet. 

Enjoying his treat, Ryraso paused to let several children pass by, one thinking to thank him as they did. A hatchling who looked on the verge of becoming a youngling dived by and grabbed his friend, the two soaring up and landing on the upper walkway before running pass. Ryraso smiled and enjoyed the ambience. Music was flitting through the streets and he paused to watch a performance. 

Then he reached the red light district the lights turned red and the music had spread around turned different. Ryraso grimaced and finished the last of his treats. He didn't like walking through here but it was on the way to the upper districts. Because of course, it was. The nobles liked their toys too much. 

Dolled up k'nairi, female and male alike, lined the walkways. A few winked at him playfully. They knew who he was and that made him attractive. Someone connected to the royals. A way out if they could play their cards right. It was pitiful. It made Ryraso's chest ache. Especially went he saw the younger ones dolled up. Not actually children but certainly barely passed their navdia. There were two ways to end up like this. One was to willing go down the path. The other was to be forced down it and it was usually pretty clear who had chosen which path. 

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