Chapter 49

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It was rather obvious when Cai'ress woke up. Possibly no one knew the exact moment, but it was clear the moment he was aware his wings were gone. The screech was not a sound that would leave the ears of those nearby any time soon. The medic wrestled the panicking k'nairi down and drugged him again. The panicked screaming fading into moans before his went limp and collapsed onto them.

"How did he wake up!" Pol'ar roared at the two men as they gently put the wingless man back into bed.

The two looked at each other helplessly. "We gave him the dose on time," one offered.

Pol'ar snatched the patient notes and looked over them. "Half dose?" he growled, looking back at the one responsible. "The man is recovering from having his wings removed. Why the hell did you think it appropriate to give him a half dose of anaesthesia?"

The man kept his wings high, not quite disrespectable but standing up for himself. "He's in danger of being overdosed with how much he had received over the past week. The half-dose should have been accurate for his body weight and height." He looked down at Cai'ress frowning. "He shouldn't have woken up like that."

"He's been on blockers. He needs the higher dosage," Pol'ar challenged but looked at the graph again and winced. The man wasn't wrong. Cai'ress had far more anaesthesia than they would typically allow anyone, wings removed or not. If they continued giving him drugs at this level, they ran the risk of putting him into a coma. There was a chance he wouldn't wake up if that happened. Feeling his forehead aching again, he rubbed his brow.


"Reduce to three quarters for now and keep a closer eye on him in case he wakes up again. I'll inform the Royals we need to wake him up sooner than planned," Pol'ar ordered, not liking the look of concern on his underlings' faces. It had been almost a week and a half since the heal, but they were still worrying after him.

"Yes, sir,"

Pol'ar rolled his shoulders and headed to the training grounds. Ton'enth appeared at his elbow. As the man tried to take his elbow, Pol'ar slapped him over the head with his wing. "Don't try, brat."

"Head Healer Pol'ar, you are still recovering," Ton'enth tried to scold, in a tone of superiority which made Pol'ar want to drag the man over his knee. Ton'enth was still a hundred years too young to be talking to him like that. "You should start letting others take some of your duties."

"I'm well enough to walk by myself," Pol'ar growled, not in the mood to deal with slimy High Priest. "What do you want?"

"Just to talk," Ton'eath shrugged. "I want to know your plans about Eyeri's education and when you will give Ryraso a placement."

"Neither are your business."

"I disagree. Especially on Ryraso. He is Goddess-blessed, and we both know his family history when it comes to the Goddess," Ton'enth tried to push.

"With him being the Winglord's chosen and soon to be bonded, the placement needs to be somewhere suiting his social status while also well-timed with no longer being needed at home with the Royals."

Pol'ar paused, glaring at the man. "Ryraso will work when he is ready to work. Not because the Royals are no longer here."

"But it would be an excellent time to give him something to do when they are no longer here. If he's working now, they won't be able to court him properly. He wants to be courted, that is reasonable, but if there is no time, it won't happen. Then only the Goddess knows when he will stop being a stubborn youngling and bond with them properly."

"For people who did not want him to be here, you are now putting a lot of energy into making it happen," Pol'ar shook his head, trying to walk faster but Ton'enth kept up before outright stopping him in the corridor.

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