How they meet

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Jack's POV:
"Jack when I's said I wanted to help, I's didn't mean followin ya 'round to talk to Brooklyn."  Ashlyn whines.  I didn't want her coming to Brooklyn but the only other place was Bronx and they get..........too close for comfort with her. 

"So is this Spot Conlon really dangerous?"  Davey asked.  Boots and I start laughing as Ash roles her eyes.  She herself has never been to Brooklyn before.  I've known Spot for a while but the rumors of him spread every day.  Some say he's a real flirt who loves to play with ladies hearts.  Others say he is as ruthless to girls as he is to guys.  I don't know which is true but no matter what, I have to keep an eye on Ashlyn while we're here.  As we walked I felt some weight leave my head.

"Hiya Kelly!  Long time no see!" I sigh.  Jester, Spot's younger sister.  I can see Ashlyn and Boots trying to hold their laughter and even Davey cracks a small smile.

"Hi Jester.  Can I have my hat back?"  I ask.  She puts her finger on her chin like she's thinking.

"Nah, I think I's gonna keep it!"  Ashlyn couldn't hold her laughter and she Burt's our laughing.

"Man Jack, you's can keep the Delancey's in their place but when a kid takes ya hat you's go all helpless!"  Ash says while laughing.  Ouch, betrayal.  I role my eyes and turn back to Jester as she smirks and twirls my hat.

"We's 'ere to see Spot."  I say, "We is startin a strike against Pulitzer and Hearst."  I say, knowing this'll be hard.  Spot is a stubborn fella and has high expectations that 'Hattan must meet. 

"Okay, I'll take ya to Spot but don't suspect rainbows and smiles from 'em."  Jester says.    I gotta put up with her if I want Spot to join the strike to I take a deep breath and prepare.  As we were walking I hear a splash and turn to see Boots in the Brooklyn harbor and Jester laughing so hard.  So is Ashlyn.

"Man, Brooklyn seems so much more fun compared to 'Hattan!"  Ashlyn wines again.  Betrayal, again.

Spot's POV:
I was sittin on my 'thrown' when I see Jester walk over with two familiar faces, Jack Kelly and Boots.  There was also a girl around my age or older and a boy that's Jackie boy's age.  "Well, if it ain't Jack-be-nimble-Jack-be-quick."  I say, glaring at the Manhattan newsie since he trespassed on my turf.  I stare at the girl for a few seconds.  Never seen a girl besides Jester wear pants.  She has long, dirty blonde hair tied in a tight braid with a cap on.  Is she a newsie?  It looks like she has Jackie boy's old cloths. 

"Spot, you's can gawk at the girl later!  Right now we's got 'business'."  Jester says while I start blushing.  I wasn't gawking at her looks.  I-I mean, she is attractive but-ugh you know what I mean!  I think she starts blushing a bit too.  Jack seems to get mad that I was 'gawking' at her, must be his goil.

"I's ain't gawking!  Anyway, what business would Jackie boy and his goilfriend have here?"  As I said that, Jester starts laughing so hard she falls over.

"Ew, excuse me while I go gag me eyes out." This girl says, as she makes a fake gag gesture to the side.  Kelly's face falls to stone.

"Ash, I's think he gets it now stop."  Oh, friend-zone.

"Spot, even I know their siblins."  Jester says in between laughs. "Don't worry, you's got a chance."  I blush again.

"No, Ash ain't dating no one any time soon."  Kelly says with an arm around her shoulder in a protective way.  That makes more sense.   "Anyways, we's here to talk 'bout a strike."  He says.  I look at him for a minute then get up.

"Yeah, that's what some birdies told me, what they tell you?"  I asked, circling them like their pray.  They boys look scared but this Ash girl just seems bored.  She's interesting.

"Well they wanna here what Spot Conlon has to say, they said Spot Conlon is the most feared and respected newsie in Brooklyn and probably all over New York."  Behind him, Ash coughed something in the lines of  'suck up'.  I laugh to myself  at it, she is right.  I play it off like I'm mocking this kid.

"Well, I got brains and more than half of one.  How do I know you punks won't run once a scab comes at ya with a club?  How do I's know you got what it takes ta win?"  I ask, swinging my pimp cane like a club at them.  This Ash girl seems pissed now.

"Well, how Do we know if you's just usin that as an excuse to not join!  If we weren't serious, would we take the time out of OUR day to walk over to Brooklyn and deal with you and your Assy personality!"  She snaps at me, I get closer to her and study her traits.  She clearly got guts.  Her eyes are a mix of a green and blue, making a beautiful ocean color.  I mean, no beautiful just-man I must of pushed some of her buttons, she's glarin hard.  Too bad for her, I won't let her bein a female stop me from soakin her.

"What was that girl?  You know anythin 'bout respect here."  I say, glaring back.  She scoffs,

"News flash, respect is earned not given.  Why should I's give ya respect if you's gonna assume I'll run away from danger!  Stop thinkin you's higher than us when really we're on the same line on the food chain!  And that's why we gotta stick together!"  I stare at her, shocked.  No one has ever told the king of Brooklyn that he's not higher than the others.  Not me nor the kings before me.  Jackie boy pulls her away.I rub my eyes and sigh,

"Tell ya what 'Hattan, I'll think 'bout it."  They nod, do a spit shake then leave.  That Ash girl is something else.  Can't tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing but it's definitely something.

Jester smirks next to me then says, "So when's my nephew comin."  I blush and turn my head so she doesn't see and hit her upside down.

"Get back to work, pup!"  I yell as she roles her eyes and continues to yell random headlines in the streets.
New characters!!!!!

Boots-A young manhattan newsie that has been to Brooklyn before and survived to tell the tale.  When he visits, Spot gives him a nice greeting and he hands Spot some rocks for his sling shot.

David-Jacks partner in crime for the strike.  He is the most responsible newsie but will attack when provoked.  He has a younger brother named Les who is also a newsie and a sister who Jack falls in love with.

Spot X Ashlyn (my OC) oneshots Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu