Never meant to be

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Ashlyn's POV:
I looked down at the test in front of me.  Two lines.  Shit.  I went down stairs to show my brothers.  Fear and anxiety eating me away.   Oscar's face morphed into hatred.  "Get the hell out of my house!"  I flinched at his outburst.  I left before he could say anything else.  I made my way to Brooklyn.  I have to tell Spot.

I knocked on the door to find an intoxicated Spot.  He seemed pissed.  "The hell you doin 'ere?  I don't need ya breathing down my neck all the time.  Just go.  No one wants ya here.  In fact, just get out of my life completely.  I'm done."  He spoke.  Even though he's drunk, it still stung.  Okay, it hurt.  So much.  He slammed the door in my face. 

My eyes water as I ran off the the train station.  I made my way to Jersey.  That's where I saw my Jersey friends: Tom, Brad, Cricket, Dealer, Chipper and Silent.   Chipper and Silent are my daughters in a way.  I adopted them from an abusive orphanage.  "Mommy!"  Chipper, the more hyper of the twins came to me and hugged me.  Silent followed.  Chipper looked up at me and her smile turned into a frown.  "Mommy?  What's wrong?"  Brad walked over and rubbed my shoulder.

"Was it that Conlon guy?"  He asked.  Brad and Spot never exactly got along.  Brad was very flirtatious to me but it was always for laughs.  Spot never liked it and apparently they would get into a lot of fights.  I nodded at Brad and showed him the pregnancy test.  He hugged me but he was careful not to hurt the baby. 

"I-I think Im Gonna go for a walk."  Brad nodded and let go.  As I was walking, I stumbled upon a guy.  "S-Sorry!"

The guy chuckled a bit. "It's fine.  Hey, are you okay?  I'm Kyle."  He held out his hand for me to shake and I gladly accepted. 

"Ashlyn, although I go by Ash.  And I'm not.  My brothers kicked me out after findin our I'm pregnant and then ,y boyfriend broke up with me before I could tell 'em."  I didn't realize I was crying until he wrapped me in a hug.

"Shh.  It's okay.  Here, you can stay at my place and I'll pay for any medical bills you get."  This guy is nice.  But I couldn't let him pay for anything.

"That's kind of you but I can't accept it."  I replied, denying his offer.

"No.  I insist.  Do you have a job?"  He took my silence as a no.  He guided me to his house.  It was so nice. 

(A year later)

I just got back from the hospital and Kyle proposed!  I gladly accepted.  He helped me through so much.  Now he is helping me raise Chipper, Silent, and now Natalie.  I became a voice coach.

Two years later and I became pregnant with Kyle's son, Patrick.  No!  I did not name him after Spot!  Kyle liked the name and so do I. 

One day, on Patrick's third birthday, we decided to visit Medea.  Only problem is we would be going through Brooklyn.  How I dreaded this.  I could never face Spot.  Kyle put a hand on my shoulder and then rubbed my back in support.  I smiled it at him. 

We were walking the streets of Brooklyn when Patrick wanted to by a paper from a newsie by himself.  "Only if Natalie goes with you."  He nods as Natalie takes his hand and they go to a newsie who is around my age.  He seems oddly familiar.

Spot's POV:
I was selling papers when two kids came up to me.  The older one, reminded me of Ashlyn.  Except  her eyes.  Her eyes were an Ivey blue like mine.  The younger one spoke to me. "Can I have a paper please?"

I smiled at him and handed him a paper and the girl handed me a quarter.  They run back to their parents.  That's when I realized, the girl looked like Ashlyn because she was Ashlyn's daughter!!!! 

Me and her made eye contact and I could see the hurt in her eyes from our last encounter.  Jester still refuses to smile at me.  I messed up, I get it.  I then noticed the man guiding her away.  She's married.  My heart ached with regret.  I can still try and get her back but I don't think she'll listen. 

I decided to just watch Medda preform.  Medda was Ashlyn's voice coach.  When I got to my box, I saw her and her family again.  I couldn't contain myself.  I grabbed her arm and pulled her to the hallway. "What!?"  She snapped at me.  Can I blame her?  No, I can't.  I fucked up. 

"I know I messed up.  But I was drunk!  I didn't actually want us to break it off!  I'm a total mess without you!  Jester-she hardly looks at me!  I can't stand here and look at you with some other guy.  As selfish as it sounds."  I pleaded with her.  I was devastated when Jester told me how I basically pushed Ashlyn out of my life. 

"Don't do this.  Spot, my brothers kicked me out!  You kicked me out!  Kyle was there for me!  He took me in and payed for everythin!  He helped me raise three girls and one boy!"  She snapped.  Tears coming from her eyes.  I tried to hug her but she pushed me away.

"So, the girl.  She's-" I was about to ask if the girl was my kid but she beat me to it.

"Yes.  She's you're daughter.  Look, I gotta go back.  If that's all you gotta say then goodbye."  She went back in the theater box.  I banged my fists on the wall as I left the theater. 

I got home and slammed the door shut.  I cried myself to sleep.  I lost her.  I guess it was just never meant to be.

Bonus Scene;
I was rubbing my forehead, trying to get my mind off of everything.  I told Ace who Jester got to tell her.  She came up behind me.  "You gave me a niece.  I still want my nephew."  I left the balcony and went onto the closet.
New Characters!!!!!!!!!
Tom-Leader of the Jersey newsies.  He is basically a dad.

Brad-Ashlyn's best friend from Jersey.  He has a crush on Ash and expresses it through flirting but she's too stupid.  He hates Spot and Spot hates him.

Cricket-Jersey Newsie who idolizes Spot.

Dealer-Jersey newsie who thinks Spot is a real king.

Chipper-Ashlyn's adopted daughter who is hyper and always happy.

Silent-Ashlyn's adopted daughter who is more quiet and is more smart than Chipper.

Kyle-Ashlyn's husband who found her.

Natalie-Daughter of Spot and Ash but was raised by Ash and Kyle.

Spot X Ashlyn (my OC) oneshots Where stories live. Discover now