Kidnapped trauma (angsty/fluff?...)

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Spot's POV:
It's been two weeks.  Two fucking weeks.  And I have no clue where she is!  Jester hasn't smiled.  Shoes has spoke.  Lucifer hasn't made stupid jokes.  Pyro hasn't stolen Lucifer's matches and lit anything he sees.  All chaotic energy in the lodging house has vanished.  Ashlyn Delancey, the queen of Brooklyn.  The best friend to my sister.  The girl who makes guys' eyes turn in a second, has gone missing.  Her brothers won't get off my back about it.  I know it sounds cheesy but all I want is her to be in my arms and playing with my hair.  I want to kiss her hand and she kisses my chin.  I want to her to call me stupid names and we all laugh and shove each other like old times.  Now, I don't even know if she's alright.

Someone knocks on the door.  Jester runs to the door and opens, "Ash!"  She yelled.  I ran to the door, letting out a sigh of relieve but only to see Racetrack holding her close.  She looked in pain and I couldn't handle it.

"Bring her to the couch."  I ordered him.  He does as I say and she sits.  She's shivering from the cold.  "Manny!  Bring her a blanket!"  I yelled and he obeyed.  She looked like she's been crying for hours.  I sit next to her and hold her close, only for her to flinch and scoot away from me.  Did I do something wrong?  Is she afraid of me?  So many thoughts ran through my head and so little time to process.  "Someone go make her tea!  Go!"  I yelled.  Some newsie who I didn't see went to the kitchen. 

Racetrack scratched his neck, "I saw her by the train station.  She said 'he' was after her, whatever that means."  He.  Who could 'he' be?  There's only one guy she calls 'he' and thats-no.  It can't be.  I thought he was gone!  I looked at her closely.  She had bruises all over.  There was blood covering her skin.  Her hair was messy, she was wearing a skirt and a corset that looked too tight.  Definitely him.  He is the only guy to have her be this scared.  Jacob.  That good for nothing, some of a-

"Here, careful it's hot."  The tea is here to stop me from swearing.  She just stares at the cup.  Like she's scared to drink it. 

I sighed and grabbed the cup and held it to her mouth.  "Do you trust me?"  I asked.  She just stared at me.  Her eyes had lost the sea green light and is now replaced with ghostly gray.  She kept her mouth closed.  I didn't think, before I leaned in and kissed her lips delicately.  Scared that if I'm not careful, she would break.  She stares at me with her mouth open just a bit.  I leaned the cup just a bit and the tea fell down her throat.  When I thought she was done, I placed it down on the counter.  It pained me to see her like this, I couldn't hold back. 

I hugged her tight but I was careful not to hurt her.  I placed a kiss on her head and rubbed her back.  She started to cry on my shoulder.  "Go everyone.  Give us some space."  Everyone started to leave.  I went to the closet and pulled out extra cloths and a brush.  I handed her the cloths. "Go change in the bathroom.  You'll be more comfortable."  She just nods and goes into the bathroom.  As she locked the door I went to my newsies.  "Go to the balcony or an area where you can see the streets.  If you see any suspicious figures, you come and tell me."  They nodded and went off to find an area.  A few minutes later she comes out with a flannel, some pants and some suspenders. 

I noticed her heels that looked to be squeezing her feet.  I went into the closet again and pulled out spare shoes she would leave for when we would go swimming in the harbor.  "Take those off and put these on.  Your feet must be killin ya."  She nods and obeys me.  "Now, sit down on the couch and face the wall."  She sits down and faces the wall.  I took out whatever hair style she had and started to gently brush through.  A few knots here and there.  Each knot made her flinch.  "You know I love you right?  I wanna make sure you're safe."  I mustered out.  I was surprised I could even bring this up.  I just don't want to feel like I caused her pain because I was never good enough.

When I spoke she seemed to tense up.  "I-I know.  I'm sorry if I made you feel bad.  I-I'll be better next time, I promise.  I won't be a burden."  She stuttered out.  A single tear rolled down her cheek and I lifted her head to face me and wiped the tear away. 

I kissed her and made eye contact.  "You got nothin to worry bout.  You ain't no burden and you don't gotta be better because you're perfect."  As I spoke, I saw a small smile spread across her face but it quickly fell.  "Hey.  Smile for me.  Whatever he did, it's over.  I got you and I ain't lettin ya slip between my fingers.  From now on, you are to be escorted to and from Brooklyn.  Okay?"  She nods.  She looks at me and attempts to smile.  "There we go.  That smile I fell for.  I caught just a small tint of pink across her face.  I grew a little smirk.  Okay a big smirk.  "Aww.  Is my queen blushing?"  She blushed more and hid her face. 

I hold her chin gently, making her look at me.  Our eyes connect and we stare at each other.  For a split second everything was forgotten.  Jacob.  Fear.  Everything.  It was like when we first started dating.  Awkward but comfortable.  We both leaned in for a kiss, just inches apart when-

"Soooooo, where's my nephew?"  Jester.  She popped right between us as we were about to kiss.  Her question caused both of us to blush. 

"Alright.  To bed with you, you stupid pup." I rolled my eyes to her.  Ashlyn didn't look like she was moving.  "Want me to carry you to my bed?  I'll take the couch."  She shook her head, no.  I didn't listen as I picked her up and walked up stairs.  I placed her on my bed and tucked her in tight.  I kissed her forehead.  "Good night, my queen."  I mumbled and then walked out.

As I was about to leave I heard a small whisper, "good night, short stack."  I let out a few tears before closing the door.  She's making progress.
NEW CHARACTER!!!!!!!!!!!
Pyro: The pyromaniac Brooklyn newsie.  His name should basically explain his personality.

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