She blushes (mega fluff warning)

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No one's POV:
Spot was standing on the balcony, aiming his sling shot at a random assumed to be empty beer bottle.  As the marble hit the glass, his assumption was incorrect.  He tucked his sling shot in his belt when he felt delicate hands roam his scalp.  Normally, this would be creepy but he's used to it.  "I thought you left," he sighed, as his girlfriend kept playing with his hair.

She shook her head 'no', "Nah, Oscar and Morris went out drinkin.  Don't wanna deal with their drunk ass'.  That goes for you too.  If you get drunk I ain't helpin ya to your bed."  She states, tiredly.  Spot nods, kicking his hidden bottle of scotch. 

"Yeah.  Thoughts brudas of yours ain't the best."  Spot says, snickering a bit.  They were horrible to newsies with Brooklyn as no exception.  But ever since Spot and Ashlyn started dating, they've been more hard on Brooklyn.  Poor Jester can hardly sneak off to Manhattan without coming back with a limping leg for a few days and a black eye.  Not that she wouldn't get that anyways.  She can't shut up.  Even Shoes who is the more innocent of the newsies, gets a few punches. 

Spot has it worse.  If Ashlyn co es back with a sad face or feeling of paranoia from the old drunks by Tibby's-Oscar and Morris goes to Brooklyn and won't let him live his life without feeling responsible.  Responsible for her being sad or for him not getting the drums to leave her alone.  Not that he knows, Ash has never thought of it as important so she never really told him.  Jester on the other hand, tells him.  Not to see his jealous boyfriend face or to see him take action and soak those dumbass'.  She does it to laugh at how they couldn't even stand up. 

He was lost in thought when he felt weight leave his head.  He pouts at Ashlyn.  Normally, when she does pet him in public he politely shoves her away.  Lucky for him, their not in public.  His mask of toughness is put away til the next morning where he needs to sell.  Ashlyn chuckles at his pout.  "Aw, you need anything?"  She teased.  Sure, she's oblivious to the effect she has by just smiling at him.  However, Spot is obvious about how he loves when she scratches his head or pets his hair, calling it fluffy. 

He blushes, still pouting. "You know I do Ash."  He gave her a puppy look.  She roles her eyes.  Clearly enjoying this.  It's a rare moment to see Spot having a puppy look or pouts, basically begging to be pet. 

"Do I?  I's ain't a mind reader Spot."  She laughed.  Spot sighed, dropping the pout and the puppy dog eyes.  He grabs her wrist.  Not harsh but so that she can't pull away.  He brings it to his head, making her drag her fingers through his hair.  She laughs again at his actions.  " You's is so high maintenance."  She roles her eyes.  Ignoring the blush creeping up from her face.  He smirked, seeing her blush.  He might not be a huge flirt or some hopeless romantic weirdo.  He just liked knowing he's making her happy.  So happy she's blushing. 

"I just need attention at all times.  You's call me a cat for a reason."  He smirks wide, glancing at her lips.  Ashlyn notices this and roles her eyes.  Just to spite him, she doesn't kiss him.  She leans in to kiss but ends up pulling away, making him pout again.  She roles her eyes at his childish behavior.  Definitely not a side of Spot you would see a lot. 

Spot roles his eyes, he will get his kiss.  Ashlyn yawns a bit.  "Tired Ash?"  He teased.  She punches his shoulder as he laughs.  A lot of people would look out their window and think they're siblings.  "Ow!  I deserved that.  But hey, I also deserve a little kiss."  He said, with a little hint in his voice.  He's like a toddler.

Ashlyn roles her eyes and gives in, "Fiiiiine!"  She groans.  As she leans in to kiss his cheek, Spot turns and gently holds Ashlyn's head as they kiss gently.  As they pull away, Ashlyn's jaw hangs open. 

Spot smirks, pushing her jaw up, "Don't want to catch flies, doll."  He teased.  She shoves his hand away, turning to hide her blush.  Spot starts to hug her from behind, resting his head on her shoulder. " I sowy." He says, in a baby voice.  Ashlyn cracks up at his act, causing him to laugh as well.  He stops and stares at her, speechless.

Ashlyn notices this and stops.  The small feeling of his judgment kept inside her. "I-is there somethin on my face?"  She asked, dragging her hand along her cheeks to wipe away the invisible mess that wasn't there to begin with.  Spot grabs her hands and shake his head. 

Spot takes her hand and kisses the back of it.  This action, despite it always happening when they're alone makes her flustered.  "Nah, you're perfect.  I was just admirin you're laugh."  He is fully lovestruck. 

Ashlyn blushes once more and turns around.  Hoping he didn't see the red color swipe along her cheeks.  "Shut up Conlon....." She muttered.  Spot walked to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and rock to and frow.  All while the moon glimmers in their love sparked eyes.  Spot leans in.  So does Ashlyn.  They kiss.  Even if it didn't happen, they both felt the imaginary fireworks spark in them. 

Pretty soon, Spot's head feel onto Ashlyn's.  He is sound asleep.  She looks over at a rare view of Spot.  A view where his cocky smirk isn't plastered on his tan skin.  She kisses his forehead, goodnight.  Ashlyn notices the little drool and wipes it from him before feeling her eyelids go heaven and she falls into slumber with him. 

Ashlyn wakes up early to See a sleeping Spot and to the side-you guessed it.  A sleeping Jester.  "Sooooooo.  Where's my nephew?"  She teased.  Or actually asked.  At this point, Ash can't tell.

Shoes-A Brooklyn newsie who is more sensitive than the others. He dreams to do ballet and gets scared easily. The newsies are still trying to get him out of his shell.

Spot X Ashlyn (my OC) oneshots Where stories live. Discover now