Spot's nightmare

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Fair warning I will not hold back on the angst.

Spot's dream 3rd POV:
Spot was standing in complete darkness.  All around him. There was nothing.  He was alone.  He heard screaming.  They were screaming his name.  He turned to see Ashlyn, his girlfriend.  She was crying, bloody everywhere.  Some figures came from no where and grabbed her forcefully.  Dragging her into darkness as she screamed and cried for Spot's help.  He didn't realize but his eyes were streaming with salty tears as he chased after her.  But where was she?  Where was he?  It felt like he was walking in circles.  Unable to fine his destination.  He doesn't even know what his destination is.  He heard the cry again.  He ran.  He ran as fast as he could toward the voice.  He turned a corner to find Ashlyn dead.  Blood everywhere.  And a note.  'You couldn't protect her.  Why did you think you were strong enough to protect her?  You're just gonna let her down in the end.  Her blood is on your hands.  You did this to her.  You killed her.' Suddenly his hands became bloody and he dropped the note in shock. 

He heard someone behind him.  Himself.  "You killed her." This other Spot said.  The real Spot shook his head in disbelief. 

"N-no!  No I never-why would I-who are you?!" He stumbled on his words.  Shaking intensely.  This other Spot smirked.  Not Spot's normal, cocky smirk.  This one is far more insane.  The very sight of it sent chills down Spot's back. 

"But you did because I killed her.  I am you.  Can't you see?  I'm the more, how should I say? Evil side.  The more REAL you.  I'm your demon. You ACTUALLY thought you could love someone and they wouldn't get hurt!?"  This demon Spot laughed.  Spot's eyes grew wider.  This guy is psycho!  He killed the person he loved then stood in front of him like he's better than him.  But one thing did linger in his head.  Is this his fault?  Was the note right, could he not protect her?  Is that why she's here, laying on the cold ground and surrounded by her own blood?  "If you're wondering if it's true, then yes.  You couldn't even save her from yourself.  You aren't supposed to love.  Not supposed to BE loved.  She had to go.  Monsters shouldn't feel love.  You did this to her.  You just HAD to love her, causing her to die.  So young too.  She couldn't even see my side.  All she saw was the cute and cocky boy from Brooklyn.  That's her downfall.  She didn't fear you like she should of.  If she truly loved you then she would see my side as well.  She NEVER truly loved you.  You are really stupid.  Did you honestly think that someone like her could love you?!  Ha!"  Demon Spot started laughing uncontrollably.  Not Spot's usual laugh that he rarely laughs when something happens like when his sister ends up on a chandelier or when he would see Ash taking care of his other newsies.  He would never admit it, but he always found it adorable when she would treat to his newsies like a mother.  If he wasn't afraid to take a step up then he would propose and later have a kid.  Afraid.  Fear.  Those words.  That's what he feels.  Fear that he can't protect the people he cares about from himself.  Fear that she doesn't actually love him and that once she sees his demon, she'd run for sure.  Run from Brooklyn.  From him.  From anything that has to do with him.  She would hate him.

  "Shut up!  You's just an image in my head!"  He shouted, covering his ears.  The demon Spot scoffs.

"Am I though?  Don't say I didn't warn you." He said before he disappeared.  Spot turned to look at the lifeless corpse.  Looking at the smallest details he loves about her.  Again, he would never admit it.  He loves when she would sleep on his couch in the lodging house, curled up holding herself to keep warm since she refused a blanket.  She'd look so peaceful, her small snores at times.  If she ever found out he would be dead.  He heard foot steps behind him but he refused to look assuming its 'Demon spot'.

"You!  The hell you's doin here?!"  He recognized that voice.  Ashlyn.  He turned and saw her angry.  Her skin pale to almost a gray color.  Her hair almost dead.  All her dirty blonde roots gone and repacked with despair.  He didn't care as long as it's her.  He ran to hug her.  She pushes him away, tears threatening to leave her green eyes.  "Don't touch me!  Get the hell away from me!"  He stood there, confused. 

"Ash, what's wr-" before he could finished she she yells again.

"Don't call me that! You-you killed me!"  She was crying at this point.  It broke him. 

"Ashlyn, please I-I didn't hurt you.  I would never."  He pleaded, tears in his eyes.  He tried hard not to cry.  Unfortunately, a tear or two slipped out.

"Why should I believe you!  You promised to protect me!  Even in your dreams you're weak!"  She shouts as he falls to his knees.  He never wanted this.  Ashlyn faded away.

"Wait, no!  Ash don't go!  Don't leave me!  Please, I-I can protect you, swear!  Just-just come back!"  No matter how much, how loud he'd scream.  She never came.

Spot's POV:
"Ash don't go!" I bolted up from bed.  Sweating.  Shivering.  Scared.   These god damn nightmares.  I cling to my pillow as I looked around to see my other newsies asleep.  The door opens to reveal Ashlyn.  I sighed, she's fine.  She's safe.

"Spot?  You's okay?  I heard screamin."  I quickly wiped my tears and sweat and turned around, unable to face her.  She makes her way over.  "Spot, what happened?" She put her hand on mine and used her other hand to make me look over at her.  Her face softens to concern as she sees my puffy, red eyes.  She hugs me.  Once I calmed down, she starts to get up.  I grab her wrist gently.

"Ash, can-can you stay with me?"  I asked as she stares at me for a few second before nods and Scooch over to make more space on the small bed.  Once she's laid down I wrap my arms around her waist.  Scared that if I let go, she'll disappear.  She rests her head on my bare chest, causing me to blush a bit.

In the morning, I wake up to all my newsies surrounding me.  Ashlyn still in my arms, sleeping.  Ace and Lucifer are smirking.  Manny is giving me a questioning look.  Jester has the biggest smile ever.  "So when is my nephew comin?"  She asked, excitedly.  I blushed  and rolled my eyes.

"Alright, get ready all of you's!"  I yelled and they shushed me then pointed to Ash.  I just layed there u til she woke then we blushed and got ready to start the day.  While getting ready, Jester whispers in my ear,

" nephew...". I blush then smack her head as I swing on my suspenders. To start the day.
New characters!!!!!!!

Demon Spot-The dark side of Spot that he's afraid to show in front of the people he loves, thinking if they got too close they might get hurt. This side is more manipulative.

Manny-Brooklyn Davey. That's it.

Spot X Ashlyn (my OC) oneshots Where stories live. Discover now