Chapter Seventeen - Closer

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I'm in the end of my seventh month. Next week, I will be in my eighth month. It's getting closer and closer every day.
Cassandra and Mark are hosting a baby shower next month. I'm freaking huge now, I hope I don't pop before then.
Everyone has been so helpful with our pregnancy. Though, it's certainly has its cons like the nausea and the pains. Braxton Hicks definitely aren't amazing. They hurt but I'm assuming it's preparing me for the contractions.
Our pregnancy has given Cassandra a serious case of baby fever, though she still doesn't want to get pregnant right now, they are going to be adopting. I'm so happy for them, they're gonna be giving a child a family. They said that some children come as packaged deals; so in order to get one, they'd have to adopt the siblings as well. Cassandra and Mark said that's not a problem.

—8 months along—

I am now in my eighth month. I'm really freaking huge. I no longer walk, I wobble... like as in penguin wobbling. The Braxton Hicks still suck ass but I'm used to it at this point. The back pains are what hurts. Some days, I just wanna lay in bed and never move but I need to stay active.
Today, we are getting a 4D ultrasound scan done to see what our rainbow baby's face looks like. We know she's gorgeous, but we wanna see who she will look more like.
We get there and do the usual, every appointment thing. I go to the ultrasound where they have it ready for the 4D scan. I do the usual of raising my dress up so that it's an easy dress up and the man at the scan rubs the ice cold gel on me. Normal stuff, besides the fact it's not just a ultrasound, it's an 4D scan. We get a better view of our princess.
The man says "so any names picked for miss rainbow?"
Bryce asked "how did you know we called her rainbow baby?"
The man says "I, too, have a family. It took 5 miscarriages for my wife and I to get our rainbow baby. I remember seeing y'all here years ago. I remember y'all going through the miscarriage."
Bryce and I are shocked but the man isn't finished yet. He continues "there's always a rainbow after a storm. Y'all got through the painful storm. Years later, y'all are here for the rainbow. My wife and I have a total of 4 kids. Three boys, our rainbow was our daughter. If you counted the angel babies, we'd have 9 kids."
It must have been painful for him and his wife to go through so many painful pregnancy experiences but I'm glad they finally got their last baby.
I said "we do have some name ideas. I like Everly, he likes Rosa. I like Jade, he likes Stella..."
Bryce continued with "I like Aurora, she likes River."
The man said "my daughter's name is Jade Leanne."
I smile and Bryce said "Leanne is actually a really gorgeous name. We even have middle names picked out for each our name options."
The man seems to be really interested. He must be a very family oriented man. His family and talking to families must make him feel complete.
He says "we must get back to checking out that beautiful little baby. I'm sure y'all are excited to finally get a better look!"
He starts showing us different views of her. She looks pretty similar to Bryce's mom as a baby. I remember him showing me her baby pictures, saying how he looked like her, which is true because he showed me his baby pictures as well. They're a very genetically blessed to look like gorgeous humans. Our daughter gets that blessing.
After meeting back with Dr Tulip, we left and headed home. Our rainbow is such a blessing. She doesn't realize how loved she is.

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