Chapter 9 - Fragile and Susceptible To Breaking.

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"Tonight, I needed it to be perfect, to make up for all the hurt I caused you. I want to show you how much I love you, how much I care about you. For the last year I've planning it, down to the tiniest little detail. Lena, I want to marry you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I thought I was ready, but to be honest with you I'm not sure I am. I've done some horrible things to you Lena. I would say I didn't mean to, but I knew what I was doing and I didn't stop, so I guess there was some warped purpose to it. I lied to you for such a long time Lena. You gave me your heart Lena. I took something already so fragile, so susceptible to breaking and I held it in my hands. You pleaded with me not to break it, and I promised I wouldn't. Yet here I stand, having broken my promise time and time again, for I did not know my own strength. The strength of my words, the strength of my hands as the held your heart trying desperately not to lose it, not to lose you. Lena, I stood there and broken your heart, I crushed it. With every attempt to carefully put the pieces back together, I only seemed to do more damage. How can I stand here and ask you to marry me after all that? How are we even stood here? Why trust me with you heart, when I so easily broke it before? Why trust me with anything, when I could keep even the simplest of promises?" Kara rambled, pacing back and forth in front of the Luthor, before finally falling to the floor.

"Kara, I've always trusted you with everything. Yes what you are saying is true. You kept your secret from me and it hurt, finding out it was you that said all those things that also hurt. As much as all that hurt, what broke my heart the most was thinking I'd have to live without you. Kara, you are the reason I learned to love again. Before I moved to National City I was so incredibly broken, I never wanted to let another person in, but then there was you. Slowly, every time you walked into my office, every time you smiled at me, every time you looked at me with such love and fondness, you chipped away at the cold hard armor I had put up. Still even then I tried so hard not to let you in, I didn't want, I couldn't, I knew it would eventually break me if I did. I was right to some extent, but the truth is, had I have keep you away, kept you out of my life, I would truly have broken. You claim to have broken my heart Kara, but in truth I think you are the very thing to have fixed it." Lena said slowly sitting next Kara.


"Yes Kara?"

"Why are we such a mess?"

"I wish I knew, I think our lives were always destined to be like this. Good things are never easy." Lena chuckled laying down to watch the stars.

"But they are worth fighting for." Kara mused laying down.

The pair stayed like this for hours, content in the silence and comforted by the warmth of the other. Soon though it was time to return home as much as they enjoyed the moment neither wanted to fall asleep somewhere in the middle of the desert.

"I'd say yes you know, you didn't have to go though all this effort." Lena yawned as Kara carried the sleepy woman back to the car.

"What do you mean?" Kara asked having completely forgotten the reason she brought Lena out here, the very thing she had been planning all year.

"Marry you. All you'd have to do is ask, I'd do it myself but you have ruined all my attempts."

"You wou...what do you mean your attempts?" Kara questioned, stopping dead in her tracks, still holding Lena in her arms.

"I've been trying to ask you for the last year, but every time something has got in the way. I've tried 6 times now." Lena yawned once again snuggling into the heroes chest.

"You have?! How have I not noticed?" Kara asked shocked, the question directed more at herself than Lena.

"Because my dear you are oblivious to most things, it a quality I often find adorable, but in this particular circumstance rather....... annoying." Lena chuckled pausing to yawn once more.

"I'm sorry I ruined your proposals, had I have known though I would have said yes." Kara said looking down at the woman in here arms. Lena let out a soft snore and it was clear the woman had fallen asleep.

Kara decided to fly home, she would collect the car in the morning. She only woke Lena to help her into some more comfortable clothes. Falling asleep had never been something Kara was good at, she found her dreams always took a dark turn, though she'd never admit it to anyone. That night however she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. She had pulled Lena in close enjoying the warmth of her body. She dreamed of their life together, the house, the dog...the kid...a daughter...who for some reason was strangely familiar to Kara, as if she had seen her somewhere before. 

Yes I know, its a short chapter again. I'm trying my best, but hey short but often is better than long and once in a blue moon right. Right?

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