1 | My Home

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| Chapter 1 : My Home |

"Is that all you ever do?"

I looked up, the idiot blocking the sun was no other than my annoying roommate, Chiko.

"Is that a problem?" I mumbled, going back to the book I was reading. It was a first grader's book (at least that's what they call it) and half of the others couldn't read yet, which was amazing!

It put a smile on my face that I was first place academically.

Chiko shook her head, her bob bouncing around her bubbly face.

"I want you to play with us sometimes. You act just like some of the adults, always so moody." She puffed out her cheeks and tried to grab my arm, lifting me up.

"Maybe I am." I smirked. I was 5, older than most of the kids here. Sure it was only by a year, but that didn't effect the bragging rights.

"Boring~!" Chiko dragged, "(Y/N)'s talking about adult stuff again!"

She ran off, joining the group of kids who were waiting for her. I slightly chuckled to myself, feeling relieved that I could feel the sun on my skin again.

I felt empowered everytime I went outside. The caretakers said it might be because of my quirk, which they haven't identified yet, but I know it's going to be something awesome!

I sniffed proudly, thinking back to all those kids that got their quirks when I was younger. My favorite was when someone accidently locked the adults inside a closet for the entire day; that was funny.

I went back to reading, sticking my nose into the book like the TV nerds did. Man, looking smart sure does take a lot of effort.

Suddenly, before I could figure out how to pronounce a word, the bell rang. The kids who were tugging on the ball froze, looking up.

Bong . . . bong . . . bong.

Nobody knew who summoned the bells, or if they were actually real. One time, someone threw a ball really high and it went right through the bell!

It was hard to miss the bells too, they were huge, about the size of a small tree. However, the noise they produced were relaxing, not blaring like you would think something so big made.

"Are we ever going to see who summons them?" A small boy asked himself as he walked past me.

I stammered to pack my things as the kids came rushing past me. It was lunchtime, and I was not going to be late for dessert!

I caught sight of Chiko as her and her pals ran to put up their jump ropes. We made eye contact, and that was when I ran off into the building.


"Ah~" "Wow, who's that?" "Wasn't he on TV?"

Murmurs spread across the entire room before there was even a glance of the visiting man.

He, who shall not be named, wore dark, baggy clothing, almost like he forgot to change out of his pajamas. His long hair covered most of his face, but the image that burned into your memory was his eyes.

"What nice bags you have." One of the kids next to me mumbled jokingly. Around us, giggles flowed through and other kids joined in, not even knowing what the joke was.

It was like that here, everyone was connected to one another somehow. Even if you never talked, there would be some similarity between you; the caretakers made sure of it.

Eraserhead's Adopted Daughter [BNHA x Reader] || OUTDATEDWhere stories live. Discover now