7 | Surprise Visit

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| Chapter 7 : Surprise Visit |

"(Y/N)!" I heard someone call my voice, my vision was spinning. I saw two hands reach for me, then eyes; Shoto's eyes.

I whipped around, which wasn't a good idea by the way, and saw that there was no dark shadow clinging to Kora anymore. Was it just a hallucination?

I squinted my eyes to try and make out Shoto's face, but I could only see his mix-matching hair colors. Then I guess I must have passed out because I don't remember anything else.

Let me tell you after that, I don't think I would be complaining about average headaches anymore.

I woke up in my bed, which was a surprise to me. I shot up and the headache quickly came back, a hand forced me back into bed which I was grateful for.

"You're awake," Dad's voice sighed in relief.

"What happened . . ." My voice trailed off as I looked up at Dad only to see two of him. I let out a scream, these shadows, they're not a hallucination!  I trashed around in the blankets covering me, dad's hand tried to calm me down, but when he saw my widen eyes staring into his', he backed off.

"Sweetheart, what do you see? What's scaring you?" He asked in his usual calm voice. If it wasn't for the shadow, I thought he was completely calm, but his shadow's face showed so much emotion, the look seemed odd on dad's face. Concern, worry, doubt.

"I-I . . . I can see, I can, like, two of you, one in each other-" I tried my best to explain, "like, like, it's a shadow clinging onto you, and I can see your face. Your shadow shows, like, I'm not sure, but I think it's your true emotion."

"Is my shadow that scary?" Dad asked, his voice showing a little humor. I gulped, trying to let out a small laugh, "No, no, it's identical to you, but it's more of a pure version?"

I analyzed dad's shadow; its eyes weren't red, though Kora's were. It was odd, they had almost the same eye colors, maybe it was a trick of the eye? It was in the middle of a brightly lit hallway.

"Dad," The thought finally dawned on me as I calmed down, dad patted my head comfortably, "do you think this might be my quirk?"

"Probably, it's the most reasonable answer. The doctors say you're perfectly healthy, but if you want we can go see a quirk specialist," Dad answered, nodding.

I exhaled, trying to focus on something to anchor me down. It was a trick the orphanage taught me when I was young and had endless nightmares. It worked like a charm, but now I could barely do it. My heart thumped in my chest - a feeling I learned to dread.

"Please," I begged, "dad, have you ever seen a quirk like this?"

Dad seemed hesitant for a bit; was it my panicked state? I wondered if he was planning on lying to me for some comfort, but then he remembered I could see his true emotions. I was right, and honestly I wish I wasn't.

Dad shook his head, "No, I've heard of people who could read minds, or know a lie when they hear one, even see ghosts, but nothing all together."

"Am I weird?" I began to sob, this feeling was terrible. I was supposed to be happy, I had finally gotten my quirk! It was something I wasn't prepared for, and dang did it hurt, but I don't want to feel like a spy on other people's feelings.

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