2 | Cherish

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| Chapter 2 : Cherish |

I woke up to snoring, which evidently turned out to be my own's. We had arrived in this big city, where it was probably miles away from the orphanage.

Chiko would have loved to see this.

I looked at the driver's seat. Aizawa's hair was still shaggy, his pale hands clutched the driving wheel as he took a sharp turn. So it wasn't a dream; I really did get adopted.

I sighed and picked at my nails, the drive seemed to have been days, even if it was only dawn. We had left around 11pm last night, when everyone was still asleep.

"We're not too far from our destination." He grumbled.

I jumped in my seat, shocked to hear his voice after so long of pure silence. Feeling obligated to reply I awkwardly hummed, "Oh, um, ok."

And with that, the rest of the trip was, again, in silence.

I rested my arm on the windowsill on he pulled up to a secret driveway behind this massive building. It was shaped like the letters 'U' and 'A'

"Woah." I mumbled in awe, never having seen such a place so big. "Where are we?"

Suddenly, it hit me: The letters UA, the shaggy-haired male with dark pajama-like clothing, that scrawny kid who's seen him on TV.

This guy was a prohero!

I had to clamp my hands over my mouth to keep me from gasping. Man I'm such an idiot!

"Guess you realized it now, huh." He chuckled slightly. I eyed him suspiously, no wonder he had so much money to buy that cake! Was he trying to bribe us?

No . . . he was talking about the building. I had figured out that we were at the famous high school for aspiring heroes, UA. Does he know I know he's a prohero? Even if he did, who is he? Where is he on the ranks?

Then, I paused. Just who the hell did I think I am profiling the guy like this? He 's practically my dad now!

I puffed out my cheeks at the thought, and allowed my mind to wander off again. Wonder why he came all the way to adopt me, and what he meant by "he was looking for someone like me".

There's no way he could train me, I don't have a quirk. Chiko would have been a better pick. This guy's blinded by all the hair he has.

I looked down at the cement passing by. Why was I thinking such negative thoughts about Aizawa? Am I salty that I have to leave the only home I've ever known? Is it because I think he's mocking me? Adopting a quirkless child; who's brainless enough to do that?

Or do I just hate myself for being quirkless?

"What nice thoughts you have (Y/N)." I mockingly laughed at myself, quoting someone I had read about in my books.

I looked up. Aizawa paid no attention to what I had said. Did he not hear me?

A burning sensation squeezed my heart ever since we had left the orphanage and hit the road. I'm homesick, I soon realize. I also realize that I hate this man who took me away from my home.

He's no father figure to me. I decided and left those thoughts at that. I watched as he pulled up to a neighborhood and parked into the driveway of an ashy home. It was only two stories tall with yellow bricks decorating the gray tones.

The outside looked decent enough with trimmed bushes and some hints of red roses. He stepped out the car and opened my door.

"We're here." He announced.

Eraserhead's Adopted Daughter [BNHA x Reader] || OUTDATEDWhere stories live. Discover now