8 | Hang Out? Hang Out!

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|Chapter 8 : Hang out? Hang out!|

"So it's just me and Shoto," I hummed, finishing the rest of the sushi since it wouldn't be as good later anyways.

I threw away the box, washed my hands, and headed back upstairs hoping he hadn't waken up yet. I creaked open the door and sighed in relief when I saw his back slowly rise and fall with every taken breath.

His shadow still clung onto him, and I stood there awkwardly just watching it. After a while, it began to stir, and I was afraid Shoto was going to wake up soon, but he didn't. Actually, his shadow began to shake and grab at things and I realized it was having a nightmare.

Shoto's physical body didn't make those types of movement, but when I looked closer, it was clear he was uncomfortable.

"Shoto? Shoto? Shoto!" I shook his shoulders harder when he didn't respond. Suddenly, he shot up and grabbed onto my arm tightly, "Ouch! What are you-"

I froze, when I looked into his eyes, both his and his shadow's, they were filled with rage and fear. He must've realized it was me because his shadow eased up, then Shoto followed.

"Sorry, I thought you were someone else," He apologized, looking away. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"No, I'm fine," I smiled at him, picking at where he had grabbed me. It had hurt a little bit, but mostly stung. Dang did Shoto have a grip! Who did he think I was anyways?

"His father,"

A voice whispered to me, the same voice from the kitchen. My blood ran cold, was it following me? Or . . . was it me? But, why was it talking? Was it my consciousness?

"(Y/N)? Is everything alright?" Shoto asked, concern lacing his voice. I snapped out of my worries and nodded, smiling again.

"Yup! Oh, by the way, dad left with his friends so now it's just us. I think there's a villain running rampage since dad's usually a night hero. Do you know anything about this?" I asked, changing the topic. Heroes was a popular topic among us, maybe Shoto likes it too?

"Yeah, Endeavor's also gone, that's why I'm here," He replied, huffing.

"Oh," I hummed, pretty sure he had said he was here to see me and not because of that particular reason.

"It's probably on the news, if you want more information," Shoto said, pointing downstairs.

"Uh, yea!" I agreed, nodding furiously. "C'mon, let's go downstairs and watch some TV,"

Shoto looked hesitant but still followed me when I tugged on his arm to get up.

"(Y/N), I don't watch TV," He said as we plopped down the couch. I looked at him to see the face he made when the couch sunk too deep for his liking. I giggled a bit to which he puffed out his cheeks.

"I wasn't laughing at you," I turned on the TV, "I'm not used to watching it either, I'm usually reading or playing outside, but dad says to uh- nevermind,"

I could see Shoto glance at me from the corner of my eye, but I pursed my lips together and refused to tell him anything. It wasn't his business (though talking and crying seemed to be a routine of our's, however it did make me feel immensely better).

I kept on switching the channels the way dad showed me until I paused on the news channel. The lady was saying something about the earlier attacks the villains made, my back hurt just from the memories.

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