Chapter 9: Close Call.

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Dahyun call the ambulance immediately. Shortly after, they arrived and took all the injured people.

  Dahyun's heart was broken when she saw a person.


  Before she knew it. Police, firefighters, and a whole lot of other people were there.

  Dahyun drove to the hospital and head in. Shortly after a crew came bursting through the front door, caring lots and lots of people on a metal device.

  Dahyun looks at them as they pass by and finally, they carry Momo away.

  Dahyun sat down at the chair. Trying to process everything that had happened. Her head spun like this was some kind of sick jokes. But it wasn't.


  Dahyun looks down at her phone, Tzuyu was calling her.

  "Hello?" Said not trying to sound sad.

  Dahyun where were you? I had been looking for you for almost 3 hours now!


  Why? You were gonna come with me to see the movie remember?!

  "Oh. Sorry Tzuyu. I have some... personal problems"

  I guess? Do you need me?

  "No I'm fine. Bye Tzuyu."



Dahyun put her arms together hopping nothing will be bad.

"Dahyun? Why are you here?" Mina asked.

Dahyun looks up

"Oh... some personal problems... why're you here?"

"Oh I didn't feel good so I came to check my health."

They chatted for a bit.

"Woah there's a lot of people here. Do you know what happened?" Mina asked as she looks around.

Dahyun hesitates. "It's because... haz... a car crash happened..."


"There was a explosion, and a lot of people were injured... and one of them is..."

"It's ok you don't have to tell me if you're uncomfortable to talk about it."

Dahyun sigh and looks up to the ceiling. "Mina, are you done? Do you wanna go and get some drinks?"


Before they headed out, a nurse came out of a emergency room.

"If you have a relative who was included in the accident please write your name, your number, and the person name down here. Thank you" the nurse out a piece of paper on the desk.

People headed to put their name.

"Minari. Can you go out first?"


Dahyun went up to the desk and wrote.

Kim Dahyun, relative that are injured: Hirai Momo. Number : 714-xxx-xxxx

After that Dahyun head out to the parking lot.

Mina and Dahyun meet at a cafe. They both ordered their drinks and chatted.

"So how's Jihyo?" Dahyun asked

"She been doing well! After the incident that she send Momo's dad the picture, she had been kinder to me and everyone. She promised that such things will never happened again." Mina responded.

"That's great..."

"Dahyun-ah. Did any of you relative were involved? In the accident?"

Dahyun stay silence.

"Oh... I'm sorry for asking. I hoped they'll get better soon!"


"Here's your drinks, enjoy!" The waiter interrupted.

They chatted again, and soon it was 5 pm.

"Oh I have to go now! Bye Dahyun~"

"Bye Mina."

Dahyun paid for her drinks and headed to the car. She want to check on Momo because she is still terrified.

She drove by the hospital and came in. Fewer people were there than the morning. She sat down and waited.

And then she fell asleep. This time she wasn't dreaming since she woke up to a nurse.

"Kim Dahyun?" The nurse read off the paper.

"Here!" Dahyun stood up, she can feel the sweat on her face.

The nurse took her to a area separated from the people who were waiting.

"I'm sorry to tell you this" the nurse said


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