5- Study Hard! Titan Junior High

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It was early summer, the weather has lightly risen and some students switched to the summer uniform, so did I.

But there was a more important event, it was the day...



The day for the exam papers, if we failed the exam, we had to take the makeup test, and if we fail the makeup test, we have to join the refreshment classes in lunch. What kind of cruel people would take away people's lunch for a refreshment class? Oh, wait, this school!

"Next, Armin Arlert!" Mr Shadis called.

"Yes!" Armin replied.

"Perfect score!"

"Whoa!" Everyone exclaimed. Despite Armin's frequent absence, he did remarkably well in his academic studies, he even helped me study for the exams!

"Next, (Y/N) (L/N)," he called. I went out to the front desk as he just stuffed me my papers without saying anything. I looked at my papers and realized...

(Y/N) (L/N)

Japanese: 42/100

Math: 93.5/100

English: 97/100

Science: 84/100

Liberal Studies: 69/100

I did better than I thought I would, I mean, it could've gone worse, a lot worse. I returned to my seat as Jean tossed a paper ball at my head.

"Next, Sasha Braus!" 

Sasha, who was eating behind her book, went up to the desk.

"Yes, sir!"

"Hey, you..." Mr Shadis said in a dark tone, "What do you think you're doing."

There was an awkward moment between them, then Mr Shadis yelled, "I'm talking to you! What the hell are you doing?!"

Sasha Braus

Japanese: 12/100

Math: 3/100

English: 5/100

Science: 9/100

Liberal Studies: 17/100

(I just tried to guess the subject by the answers, and this is what I got '^')

"If anything I'd like to hear your trick," Jean snorted, "for staying sane after flunking every single subject."

"Indeed," Connie added.

"Your scores were all big fat zeroes, weren't they?" Jean questioned.

"But being told no lunch for you if you flunked the makeup tests freaked you out more than the fact that you flunked all the tests, didn't it?" Eren asked.

"Eren please," Sasha pleaded, "Stay and help me study!"

"Sorry, but I gotta go to the Scouts Clubroom now, so... See ya!"  


"Eren, wait for me."

"Yeah of course..." Sasha sighed, "Ah, you can go, Jean. You're a jerk, so..."

"You didn't have to tell me that!"

"Argh! Who else could stay and help me study?!" 

"Uhm... Sasha?" Berhtholdt said, "If you want me to, I can"

"Argh!" Sasha yelled, "As things stand, I'm gonna be lunchless!"

"Oh, all right then," Connie boasted, "I can teach you the trick, but unfortunately for you, I'm gifted. So all I can tell you is to 'feel' it."

"You got all zeros, didn't you?" 

"Oh, that's right!" Sasha hopped out, "Ar-min!"


"Please help me study!" Sasha begged.

"For the makeup tests? Sure, I'll help you."


"Sure if I could be of help," Armin smiled, "Would you like to study with us too, Connie?"

"Is it okay?"

"I fell confident with you teaching us!" Sasha exclaimed.

"Okay then! Let's show what we can do when we put our minds to it!" Connie agreed.

"Um... Armin..." I asked.

"Oh, you're still here, [Y/N]?" Armin asked, "How could I help you?"

"Well... even though Mr Shadis didn't yell it out... I failed a subject that would be a great influence... so could you help me too?" I asked

"Sure!" he exclaimed, "Yeah! Let's study hard together, the three of us!"


Before going to my tuition period, I went to see Hanji because she told me to find her. And... I had to find her or she'd come to find me. I eventually found her in an extremely normal place, also known as the 3rd Year's corridor.

"(Y/N)~" she called, "How about whoever got higher treats the other to Yakisoba bread."

She took out her Math paper with a 93 on it (how do you still get 93 on a 3rd Year Junior High paper I can't even get that on a 1st Year one). I smiled and took out my paper, "Y'know Hanji-senpai, in 1st Years we still have half marks, and we can't buy Yakisoba bread in 1st Years."

I showed her my 93.5 marks as she dropped, then she noticed in the corner.


I took this chance to run away, luckily Sasha and Armin were just there.

"Well then, let's start, shall we?" Armin took a seat as we started our tuition period.

"Huh? Where's Connie?" Armin asked as he looked around.

Sasha asked, "Shere the heck did he go?"

"Don't tell me... he forgot about it and went home..."

We revised our weakest subject, Math and Japanese. Armin was great of help and before we knew it, it was the night.

We walked back home together, we parted ways with Sasha on one of the roads. As Armin and I continued our ways since our houses are close.

"To be honest, luckily Sasha's with us," I said, "My brother would freak out if I stayed after school with a boy."

"Uh... Armin?" I looked to my side, he was breathing extremely heavily. 


"Armin are you okay?"

"I'M SCARED OF THE DARK! THE STREETS ARE DARK!" he yelled as he grabbed on me. I laughed, "Okay Armin, I'll walk you back home okay?"

He nodded, he's an adorable coconut.

844 words

I decreased the word count a little because the last one had 2000+ words.

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