10-Recommendation! Titan Junior High

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Apparently the Student Council President has been taken down.

What a great way to start a day.

What do I mean?


"Jean, are you going to run for student council president?" Sasha asked at lunch.

"Huh? Of course, I am," he replied, "What do you think all my achievements at school have been for? Right, Marco?"

"Yeah. Working for everyone in school..." Marco said, "There's no greater honour than that."

"Hey, Marco!" Jean hit the back of Marco's head, making him spit his milk, "Quit talkin' like a goody-two-shoes and say what you really  think!"

"It's because being president means all the girls will go crazy for you, right?" (shut up horseface)

"No! I really do want to-"

"Becoming the president means that girls will want you, and that means you can get comfy and just have some fun. Am I right or what?"

I swear I am annoyed even though I'm at another table. 

"Hey... did you say student council president?" Eren asked.

Time to get ready for screw-up time.

"I'll become student council president and destroy every last Titan!" Eren yelled. Reiner snorted milk out of his nose right at Bertholdt, half of his body covered in milk.

Like normal, Eren and Jean started to fight again, as Reiner snorted milk again.

"Hey, [Y/N], are you interested in running for student council president?" Sasha asked.

"Not interested, never would be, too much work, less time for anime," I replied bluntly.

"Eh? But I thought you'd be quite suitable!"


"Because you're good with people!"

"I'm not, the only people I'm interested don't exist..."

"Uh... [Y/N], you okay?"

"Nah, I'm fine, let's continue lunch."


"Thank God I didn't go for Student Council President," I said to myself.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Axel asked.

"Some people in my class are running for president," I explained, "Don't know what's the point though."

"If they got a good school role and they decide to go to another High School, they would have a bigger chance of getting in."

"Meh, rather stay in Shingeki High with my friends."

"Yeah, same, it'd be more fun."


"E-Eren... wh-pfft... WHAT IS THAT?!" I laughed as soon as I saw his poster when I was going for a stroll. Jean was there too, so they started to fight. I continued to walk to the bulletin board and saw Oluo's posters all over the board that looked like he put 50 different layers of photoshop.

Gunther at the corner looked like he just wants to leave but then what if Oluo bites his tongue and dies.

Oluo started boasting that he took up all the places on the board but they put it on top of it, so Oluo bit his tongue again.

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